On the afternoon of September 2, the functional forces of An Phu District (Thuan An City, Binh Duong) are temporarily detaining several subjects from illegal racing, also intentionally causing injuries in the area.
The incident occurred around 3:45 am the same day at a house in the residential area of the An Phu neighborhood. This time, seeing a group of young people gathered to organize illegal races, making a big fuss in the residential area, the man (in his 40s) came to remind him.

At the scene of the incident, the furniture in the house broke.
Upon being remembered, this group of subjects still bragged and walked away, making people very angry. Later, more than 10 people from this group brought the weapon to the man’s home to threaten and attack the victim.
At that moment, seeing her father brutally beaten, the daughter cried and bowed before the gang of thugs who were also attacked. The group of thugs hit the victim in a pool of blood and he lay on the ground before leaving.

Functional forces are present to handle the case.
Furthermore, during the attack on the victim, this target group also destroyed many furniture in the house.
Following the incident, the victim and her daughter were rushed to the emergency room with severe trauma. The case was reported to local authorities.

People are still surprised that the target group is too aggressive.
Functional forces were present and quickly brought a series of related items to the office.
According to neighbors, in the residential area where the incident occurred, the road system has just been rebuilt, so young people from the area often gather here to organize illegal races.
Currently the case is still being investigated by the authorities.