Don’t let reverence occur, use corporal punishment in investigative activities | Society


The Prime Minister has just approved the Implementation Program of Resolution No. 96/2019 / QH14 dated November 27, 2019 of the XIV National Assembly on the prevention and combat of crimes and violations of the law and the work of the Prosecutor’s Office. people, from the People’s Court, and execution of sentences.

The objective of the Program is to guarantee that 100% of complaints, criminal information and petitions are accepted. The resolution rate is over 90%; 100% of cases with criminal signs must be accepted for investigation and verification, when there are sufficient reasons to initiate criminal cases for investigation in accordance with the law. In addition, the strengthening of measures to prevent and fight injustice, crime and the fight against crime and criminals.

To achieve the above objective, the Government emphasizes the task of inspecting, examining, and supervising the activities of receiving, handling complaints, disclosing crimes, and proposing charges; the application of arrest, custody, detention and other investigative measures.

In particular, the Government asked not to allow reverence to occur, to use corporal punishment in investigative activities; do not “administer” criminal offenses. Periodically review and verify investigation suspension cases, suspension and liquidation cases to determine the basis for investigation restoration and management in accordance with the law. Interested in performing the work of selecting, appointing, training, promoting, and managing enumerators and research officers to meet the requirements of the assigned task.

The Resolution also requires speeding up the implementation of the Project in facilities, devices, officials and specific roadmap to record audio or video images with the questioning of suspects in accordance with the regulations. of the Code of Criminal Procedure 2015.

At the same time, create favorable conditions for guardians, defense attorneys and legal aid to participate in criminal procedure activities in accordance with the law. Strictly comply with the regulations on handling complaints and reports in criminal proceedings; coordinate with functional agencies to consider and resolve all complaints, allegations and claims that last for many years.
