PeaceDefendant Khuong Ngoc Chat (former head of the Department of Homeland Security, Provincial Police Department) said the investigative agency rang the phone before arresting him.
On May 15, defending himself for almost an hour in the debate, Mr. Khuong Ngoc Chat confirmed that the injustice and the case had many procedural violations. He said that the alleged crime Abuse of charges and powers while on duty but the Investigative Security Agency and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate “were unable to present any evidence of prosecution based on the statements of defendant Do Manh Tuan.”
According to Mr. Chat, at the 2018 high school exam, he did not conclude or argue with Manh Tuan (former vice president of the Lac Thuy ethnic boarding school) and Nguyen Quang Vinh (former head of the Testing Department, deputy head of the board of examination of the Department. Province of Education and Training) to make mistakes, while Mr. Vinh did not demand any discussion either. Chat said the VKS relied solely on Manh Tuan’s testimony, which is not a basis for the prosecution, so he asked to be confronted in court.
“I am a police officer, I do not have the professional qualifications to organize exams, and I do not order education branch officials to commit criminal acts. Nor do I order the two subordinate police officers who create conditions for the examiner should propose to summon these two officials to court for clarification, “Chat said.

Defendant Khuong Ngoc Chat left court on May 15. Image: Pham Du.
The former head of the Department of Homeland Security said that the investigation process, prosecutors were very tough and often said that “he did not accept that there will be sufficient evidence.” To this day, he still sees “without any documents.”
Chat also asked VKS to post evidence that “there are calls and messages” that prove their crimes. “It is illegal for the investigative agency to listen to all my phone calls and text messages. I am a lieutenant colonel, head of the provincial police department, so there is a lot of different information on the phone.” can reveal industry secrets, state secrets. I’ll complain, “said Chat.
Before the charges of increasing points, Chat said no parent asked him and he did not ask Manh Tuan to increase the points. He did not ask Mr. Vinh to act and Vinh recognized him. Mr. Nature proposed summoning the parents whose accusation was that he asked him to raise the score to court to confront him.
Due to the accusation accused of committing the crime many times, but when the accuser said he realized that he had only committed one crime, he should withdraw this part, Mr. Chat asked VKS to publicly apologize for the confusion.
At the end of the defense, Mr. Chat said aloud that what was stated in court was true. Otherwise, you will be responsible before the law.
Defending Mr. Chat, attorney Dang Van Cuong said that Mr. Manh Tuan claimed that Mr. Chat sent a list of candidates to improve the scores via messages and sheets of paper, but there was no two pieces of evidence on file. of the case. Manh Tuan’s testimony also contradicts “when Chat said thanks to 17 candidates, sometimes 25 candidates, then 14, and finally finished 10 candidates.”
According to the indictment, in early May 2018, Chat met Manh Tuan as he intervened to raise points for several candidates who are the children of the Hoa Binh Province Police Officer. Manh Tuan agrees and says that Mr. Nature facilitates the provision of security personnel so that Tuan can easily intervene.
On June 29, Mr. Chat attended the test to give information to the 10 candidates thanks to the increased score. As a result, these contestants have been successfully raised.
The indictment identified Mr. Chat as not acknowledging the offense, but there is sufficient reason to determine whether it affected by increasing the scores for 10 contestants. Manh Tuan claimed VND 500 million, but the collected research documents did not have sufficient evidence to determine the substance of the bribe.