Friday May 15, 2020 18:00 PM (GMT + 7)
A question about the Hong Kong historical exam asking students to rate Japan’s invasion of China angered Beijing.
Hong Kong students participate in college admissions (photo: Reuters)
Education experts in mainland China voiced criticism after examining the history test on the Hong Kong university entrance exam questioning whether Japan invaded and occupied China is good or bad. .
Two references were also given on the exam: one was an agreement between the Japanese government and the Qing dynasty in 1905 to send some Chinese students to Japan for training. The second document cites a loan agreement between the ROC government and a Japanese bank.
Such a test is like asking Western students if they believe that Hitler is a war for better or for worse for Europe. Questions and materials about the Hong Kong exam seem to support the Japanese invasion of Japan, “said Chan Wai-keung, a professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
According to Mr. Chan Wai-keung, the references in the review only refer to a small number of cases, but not a comprehensive representation of the Japanese invasion process in China. This not only violates the academy’s objective principles, but also causes students to seriously misinterpret history.
“If the test really meant to ‘push’ students to respond to the direction that Japan invaded China, it would be nice if they became Chinese names,” said Nicholas Muk, deputy director of the Federation of Teachers. Hong Kong said.
“Hong Kong’s education sector should not become a barn without chickens,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry wrote on the Facebook page of the Hong Kong Department of Education.
The Japanese invasion and occupation of China took place between 1900 and 1945.
Some scholars at the Renmin University School of History in Beijing said examinees deliberately selected and edited historical documents that were beneficial to Japan for the purpose of misinterpreting students.
Source: http://danviet.vn/bac-kinh-nong-mat-voi-de-thi-su-o-hong-kong-502020155175915641.htm

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