Ho Chi Minh City: Public schools can charge up to 8 months of tuition for the 2019-2020 school year


On the afternoon of May 14, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training ordered the collection of tuition and other income for the 2019-2020 school year when public and non-public educational institutions organize re-education.

Ho Chi Minh City: Public schools can charge up to 8 months of tuition for the 2019-2020 school year - 1

Ho Chi Minh City Public Schools may charge 8 months of tuition during the school year.

For public educational institutions., The Department emphasized, the collection time for tuition and other income should guarantee the beginning of the number of months of study, but do not exceed the time frame prescribed by the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee to adjust the plan. of the 2019-2020 school year.

Specifically, enrollment rates for public preschool and continuing education institutions are based on the actual number of months of study, but do not exceed 8 months. For public general education establishments, it is allowed to charge 8 months.

For non-public educational establishments., Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training reiterated the Department’s official letter on February 27, 2020: “Particularly for other non-public educational establishments, it is necessary to negotiate with the parents of the students the income derived from the situation current, ensuring openness and parental consent. ”

However, during the period of social isolation, the parents of the students and some non-public educational institutions have not been in close contact with each other, so questions have been raised about fees and revenue. Pay on behalf of

Ho Chi Minh City: Public schools can charge up to 8 months of tuition for the 2019-2020 school year - 2

Parents of many non-public schools in Ho Chi Minh City are pressing the fact that schools are still free of disease outbreaks.

The Department requests non-public facilities to organize meetings and explain to parents about the income generated according to the real situation, guarantee publicity and create consensus. .

If an online course is organized, the determination of the level of online learning during school holidays due to epidemics should be based on the actual implementation situation, the associated expenses necessary to carry out the organization activities. teaching, real-time online learning, content delivered through online teaching, program completion rate.

The Department emphasized that if online learning is not organized, tuition and other collections will not be collected. If a collection was made, compensation will be made once the student returns to school and the final agreement at the end of the school year with the student’s parents.

In addition, non-public schools have policies to reduce enrollment rates in accordance with the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee’s 2019-2020 school year plan adjustment schedule.

Earlier on May 12, the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee decided to adjust the school year plan for 2019-2020.

Specifically, all levels of education complete the second semester educational program for the 2019-2020 academic year by July 11 and end the school year by July 15; Consider and acknowledge completion of the elementary school curriculum and recognition of graduating from lower secondary schools by July 31.

Huai Nam
