Since May 15, Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Police have stopped all cars even without errors. News


On the afternoon of 12-5, the representative of the Ho Chi Minh City Police Department (PC08) said that he had implemented a plan to control the total number of motor vehicles in the city.

Since May 15, the Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Police have stopped all cars even without errors - photo 1
Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Police will launch the army to control the vehicles starting May 15. Photo: M.VUONG

This is to proactively prevent, detect, prevent, and manage violations, ensure traffic order and safety, and help reduce traffic accidents (traffic accidents) and traffic congestion (UTGT). and effectively engage with criminals.

Consequently, from now until the end of May 14, PC08 will focus on spreading the word about the control and strict observance of the provisions of the law on road traffic.

After that, from May 15 to June 14, PC08 will organize troops, strengthen patrols, control and manage violations.

According to the PC08 representative, the traffic police will take full control of the motor vehicles. Which focuses on vehicles like passenger cars, containers, cars and motorcycles.

Since May 15, the Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Police have stopped all cars even without errors - photo 2
Workgroups can stop vehicles in traffic to control without original errors. Photo: LE THA

In addition to the regular duty of the traffic police from 19:00 to 0:00 daily, teams and stations will organize at least one work shift (particularly on Saturdays and Sundays with at least two work shifts) to control and manage the violations. at traffic accident black spots identified in the responsible area.

PC08 will also establish patrol and control teams strong enough to force the team in command, the ward’s traffic police station in coordination with neighborhood / commune police forces, the mobile, criminal and orderly group 363 to perform the task

These patrol and control teams will deal resolutely and exhaustively with violations of the Highway Traffic Law, and will quickly prevent acts of obstruction, opposition and fight with other criminal activities.

“PC08 also allowed the working groups to stop vehicles involved in traffic to control the documents of people and vehicles involved in traffic without original errors” – emphasized PC08.

Accordingly, after stopping the vehicle, the functional forces will verify the documents in accordance with the Road Traffic Law, such as the vehicle registration, the driving license, the inspection certificate of the owners of motor vehicles. gender and other documents as prescribed by law …

Through this, the police will immediately detect and strictly handle rapes, which are the direct causes of traffic accidents and injuries, such as violations of alcohol and drug concentrations, overcrowding, transport of explosives. , dangerous goods, overloaded, oversized cargo; transport spill materials, travel in restricted areas, restricted areas, do not travel in the correct areas or lanes …

“Where the vehicles have been controlled in the previous areas but if new violations are detected, they can continue to control and drive” – ​​confirmed the representative of PC08.

Traffic police must have a proper attitude towards people.

The Ho Chi Minh City PC08 Office requires that officials and soldiers in the process of performing tasks always elevate a sense of responsibility, a sense of organizing discipline, strictly observing the provisions of the law, processes and regimes . Work and ordinance of the popular police.

Traffic police must also have a proper attitude towards people and offenders, flexible in handling situations. At the same time, strictly applying the direction of the Government to continue implementing measures to prevent and combat COVID-19 in the new situation.
