On the afternoon of 11.5, several websites published the incident saying that the Vietnamese player Do Duy Manh had behaved “correctly” with his pregnant wife when the couple was in the same mall. in Hanoi
On December 12, the Hanoi Club officially announced the following: “For many years, the Hanoi Football Club has received much love from Vietnamese soccer fans. In exchange for such affection, the Board of Directors, the coaching staff and the players are always doing everything possible to improve their professional qualifications, towards the best performance in the competitions they attended. Along with that, we are always interested and focused on building the team’s image and culture, worthy of the name “Capital Pride” through online activities, ofline is well received by a large audience. drink”.
However, recently, the Hanoi Football Club has received negative information about the personal lives of its members appearing on social media sites … in order to respect the individual rights of the members but they need to adjust when necessary, to To avoid affecting the collective, the Board of Directors also had timely discussions with the entire team to find out and make plans to ensure the honor of individuals and clubs.
The latest, on the afternoon of 11.5, the information regarding the Duy Manh player who has not acted well with family members is false. “The Hanoi Club requests that the posting unit be corrected.
The wedding of the “fairies” Duy Manh and Quynh Anh in February this year was well received by the audience. Duy Manh always expressed his passionate love for his beautiful wife and Quynh Anh also always expressed his absolute trust in the talented center-back of the Vietnamese team. In the face of bad rumors about their marriage, both Quynh Anh and Duy Manh calmly denied with deep lines of status on their personal pages. The talented young couple Duy Manh and Quynh Anh had good news and were about to be parents.