The world has recorded more than two million cases of nCoV, of which more than 134,000 people died, the disease is still complicated in the United States and Europe.
Johns Hopkins University records 2,056,055 infections and 134,354 nCoV deaths in 210 countries and territories. 509,741 people have recovered.

The Argentine theater was transformed into a mask that took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 15. Photos: AFP.
America it remains the world’s largest epidemic with 636,350 cases and 28,326 deaths, 33,361 and 2,652 respectively.
On April 15, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered 19 million residents to wear a mask or a replacement, requiring that people in any situation be at least two meters away from each other. “If you are going to appear in public, unable to continue to be isolated from the community and have a mask, you must wear a mask,” Cuomo said at a daily news conference.
Spain recorded 3,584 more cases and 453 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the number of cases and deaths to 177,644 and 18,708 respectively, the largest epidemic area in Europe and the second in the world.
The Spanish government has allowed some manufacturing and construction companies to resume operations. But the majority of the population is still required not to leave their homes, non-essential stores and public places will continue to close until April 26. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said that Spain performed 20,000 tests a day and would work hard to increase it.
Italy reported 2,667 new infections, the lowest increase since March 13, bringing the total number of infected people to 165,155. They recorded 578 more deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 21,645. While the number of new infections is steadily declining, the number of deaths per day has ranged from 525 to 636 in the past 11 days, except for a sharp drop to 431 on April 12.
Italy extended the blockade to the entire country until May 3, but allowed some types of stores to reopen on April 14, including bookstores, laundries, stationeries and children’s clothing stores. Other industries that may resume business include forestry, landscape care and conservation, hydraulic engineering, computer manufacturing, and the wholesale of paper and cardboard products.
France they registered 4,560 more cases and 1,438 deaths, bringing the total number of infections and deaths to 147,863 and 17,167 respectively. The number of patients requiring intensive care has decreased in 7 consecutive days.
French President Emmanuel Macron announced on April 12 an extension of the national blockade order for another month to prevent the pandemic, until May 11. After the blockade expires, schools and businesses will gradually reopen, but cafes, movie theaters, and cultural venues remain closed, there will be no summer festival until at least mid-July.
Number of infections and deaths in Germany they were 133,456 and 3,592 after registering 1,246 and 97 more, respectively. Germany began easing restrictions on 4/15, stores of less than 800 m2 can be opened if there is a “maintenance maintenance plan”. The ban on gathering more than two people in public places still applies, in addition to family members living together.
The school will gradually reopen. Meanwhile, major public events continue to be banned until August 31. The government urges people to wear masks when shopping or on public transport, but without mandatory requirements like neighboring Austria.
Brother It is the fifth largest epidemic in Europe with 98,476 cases and 12,868 deaths, an increase of 4,603 and 761 respectively. UK mortality statistics only explain hospital deaths. The actual numbers may be much higher as more people die in nursing homes and homes. The British government faces pressure to integrate nursing home deaths into the total number of deaths.
On April 16, the Boris Johnson administration will issue a notice on the revision of the “community isolation” measures. A Johnson spokesman emphasized that advisers did not believe the UK had passed the epidemic peak.
China and South Korea have not announced new figures.
Iran It continues to be the second largest epidemic region in Asia with 76,389 cases and 4,777 deaths, 1,512 and 94 respectively, this is the second consecutive day that the country registers the number of deaths in a day below 100.
Iran closed schools, postponed major events, and imposed a number of other restrictions, but not as tight a blockade as many other countries. Many people speculate that the figures may be much higher than the official statistics.
In Southeast Asia, Philippines It is the largest epidemic area in the region with 5,453 cases and 349 deaths. On April 13, the Philippine government launched an intensive testing program to identify around 15,000 undiscovered nCoV infections. The government also believes that closing the border and isolating almost half the population at home could prevent a health disaster.
Indonesia it ranked second with 5,136 cases and 469 deaths, an increase of 297 and 10 cases, respectively. Indonesia has declared a state of emergency since late March to deal with the disease. The government also announced measures to support low-income people affected by restrictions, including the expansion of social welfare, food assistance, electricity discounts, and tax exemptions.
Malaysia reporting an additional 85 cases and one death, bringing the total to 5,072 and 83. In addition to the border blockade, Malaysia also closed all schools for two weeks and banned the organization of crowded events. All religious sites and business stores, except supermarkets and banks, must also cease operations.
Number of infections in Singapore an increase of 447 cases, bringing the total to 3,699, of which 10 died. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called on people to sacrifice and strictly follow measures to cut the nCoV transmission chain. Mr. Lee cautioned that only a few breaches, all the “inconvenience, pain and sacrifice” that Singaporeans must go through would be meaningless.
Phương Vũ (The O AFP / Reuters)