
Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – Photo: AFP
Mr. Tedros was at the center of the WHO press conference that took place on April 15. In addition to the problems of the WHO epidemic, observers eagerly await their first official response after the Trump administration announced the end of huge contributions to the WHO.
At the press conference, Tedros seemed to say moderately that he regretted Trump’s decision. However, the WHO chief said the United States was a long and generous friend of WHO and “we hope it will continue,” according to Reuters.
Mr. Tedros also said that “we are divided” and that “the virus will exploit the gap between us.”
“The WHO thanks many countries, organizations and individuals who have shown their support and commitment to the WHO in recent days, including their financial commitment. We appreciate solidarity. This bridge is because solidarity is the beginning of the game to defeat to COVID-19.
WHO continues its work. We will continue to study this virus every minute and hour, and we are learning from many countries what works, and we share that information with the world. ” CNN He quoted Mr. Tedros speaking at the press conference.
The United States contributed nearly $ 900 million to the WHO budget between 2018 and 2019, according to the health organization’s website.
ABC News He said the amount represented a fifth of the WHO budget of $ 4.4 billion for the period mentioned above.
In its contribution, the United States allocates den of the amount to “designated voluntary contributions,” and the remainder belongs to the “assessed / assessed” support as part of the Washington pledge. for United Nations organizations.
Meanwhile, a more detailed WHO budget document from the US delegation. USA In Geneva (Switzerland, UN headquarters) shows that in 2019, the USA USA It contributed $ 452 million, including nearly 119 million for “qualified” support.
In the latest budget proposal for February, the Trump administration called for a cut in US contributions to the WHO to $ 57.9 million.