Venezuela’s election: Trump-backed opposition leader decides to lose power

Venezuelan politician President Donald Trump is preparing to overthrow the country’s dictator and make it difficult to claim his leadership in his place, and has put a stake in the heart of one of the Trump administration’s signed foreign policies.

In January 2019, Venezuela’s opposition leader, Juan Guede, made himself president of the country. He argued that President Nicolas Maduro, who has been in power for seven years, had tightened his grip on the 2018 presidential election, which would see him take office, and as a result, Gaddafi, as head of the National Assembly, was interim president.

The United States and more than 50 other countries have endorsed Gaida’s claim and have been working ever since to help bring Maduro out once and for all. They have allowed politicians and businesses, sent much-needed food and medical aid, and helped sustain a global campaign to oust Gowde and increase his popularity.

But despite two years of pressure, Gowde has remained in the National Assembly and Maduro in the presidential palace. Come Sunday, however, only Maduro is likely to be there.

Venezuelans will go to the polls on Sunday to vote in the country’s national assembly elections, where they will decide to represent 277 people starting January 5.

But Gaddafi and his opposition group are boycotting the election because they say the election is tumultuous.

They have a strong argument, especially not seen by international observers from the European Union and the United Nations. Also, government security forces have barred opposition groups from entering the legislature since January to attend national assembly sessions – just as Gowda was preparing to be elected its leader. Since then, Gaida and his associates have held their own parallel sessions of parliament outside the institute.

Even if he is in the right – and the polls suggest that many Venezuelans agree with his claim – it still means that Gaddy and his group will lose their seats in the next National Assembly. It would be a big blow to the opposition and a significant victory for Maduro.

“The future of Gaida’s project looks bleak,” said David Smild, a Venezuelan expert at the Washington Office for Human Rights in Latin America. “There is little international consensus on the status of Gowda’s claim for interim president after January 5.”

“It is likely that it will maintain support but it will be less strong, and the whole Venezuelan issue will be put on the back burner in the US and the EU.” “The next two months are likely to see Gu Gowde’s condition worsen further, leading to a slower decline in his power and a slower consolidation for Maduro during 2021.”

Maduro’s pride in Venezuela could be strengthened by a vote in the National Assembly

Sunday’s likely tough election will represent the remaining damage to Venezuela’s democracy and the economically depraved nation will be taken over by Maduro.

The December 2015 vote in the National Assembly was seen as the country’s last legitimate election. Since then, Maduro has increasingly put the nation’s government under his shoes, and he is now on the verge of claiming his final prize. The legislature, filled with urgency from members of Venezuela’s legislature, will replace the entire government of their government.

The guide will still have a bit of fighting ability. President-elect JB biden And leaders from other countries have pledged to support its cause, and it controls much of the country’s financial wealth, including Venezuela’s central bank account in the US, oil company Sitgo and gold in the Bank of England.

The problem, experts say, is that the effect is more external than internal. Once he officially leaves the National Assembly, Gowde and his allies will not be able to block agreements and treaties, Maduro wants to sign with world powers like China and Russia for resource extraction or legislation that would reduce civil society. Is. – Democratic groups, experts say.

After that, Maduro found a way to secure his rule in the last few years. And after Sunday, his seat on the cushion will almost certainly be secured.