Vatican: Abortion is exactly the same as getting a virus vaccine using a cell line

The Vatican has declared it “morally acceptable” to obtain a COVID-19 vaccine for Roman patients based on research using fetal tissue from abortion.

The Vatican Watch Dog Faction for Doctrine for Doctrinal Research said it had received several requests for “guidance” in recent months. The doctrinal office noted that bishops, Catholic groups and experts have given “different and sometimes contradictory attitudes” to the matter.

The Catholic Church teaches that abortion is a serious sin.

The Vatican concluded that it is “morally acceptable” to obtain “Covid-19 vaccines that have used a cell line from an abortion fetus” when a “morally obscure” vaccine is not available to people in the research and production process. But he insists that “vaccination” does not in any way imply the use of such a vaccine and should not be, it is a moral endorsement of the use of cell lines from abortion to abortion. “

The Vatican has not named the COVID-19 vaccines already given to people in some countries or has authorized them to use them soon.

In his statement, the Vatican explained that it is not always possible to get vaccines that cause moral dilemma. He cites circumstances in countries where “vaccines without ethical problems are not made available to physicians and patients” or where special storage or transport conditions make their distribution more difficult.

U.S. of Catholic Bishops Conference officials echoed most of the Vatican’s utterances in a statement last week. U.S. conference officials said that “given the severity of the current epidemic and the lack of availability of alternative vaccines, it is reasonable for vaccines to be distributed in the United States” despite their remote connection to the ethically compromised cell line. ”

Weeks ago, U.S. No. Two bishops, one in Texas and one in California, denounced immorally produced abortions using cell lines from fetal tissues. One bishop said he refused to receive such a vaccine and encouraged rank-and-file C-Thaliks to follow his lead.

The Vatican assures faithful athletes that receiving the COVID-19 vaccine will not violate the Church’s moral teachings, noting that various vaccines are being distributed in the country, while “health officials do not allow citizens to be vaccinated with the inoculation.” The Vatican said, “In such cases, it is morally acceptable to take a vaccine from abortion fetuses using cell lines.”

The Vatican said the COVID-19 vaccines that are being rolled out or expected to be used in the cell line soon, are “pulled from the tissue obtained from two abortions made in the last century.”

The Vatican has not said whether Francis will be vaccinated against coronavirus, nor what vaccine he can get. Pontiff, 84, traveled to Iraq in early March, and is widely expected to be vaccinated before traveling abroad with him and his entourage.

For reasons of discretion, abortion prefers not to receive vaccinations produced by cell lines from the fetus, through appropriate behavioral and preventive means, becoming “vehicles” for transmission, “must make their efforts to avoid.

