United States to withdraw 12,000 troops from Germany in ‘strategic’ move

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Germany currently houses by far the largest number of US forces in Europe

The United States will withdraw nearly 12,000 soldiers from Germany in what it described as a “strategic” repositioning of its forces in Europe.

Some 6,400 soldiers will be sent home, with the rest moving to other NATO countries such as Italy and Belgium.

President Donald Trump said the move was a response to Germany’s failure to meet NATO’s goals in defense spending.

But it has drawn widespread opposition in Congress from those who believe it will embolden Russia.

Senior German officials have also expressed concern.

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“We don’t want to be fools anymore,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Wednesday shortly after the measure was announced. “We are reducing the force because they are not paying their bills; it is very simple.”

Trump has long complained that European NATO members should spend more on their own defense. He has said that NATO members should no longer rely so heavily on the United States to bear the costs of maintaining the alliance.

The argument between the allies focuses on the objective agreed by all members of the alliance that defense spending should reach 2% of GDP (gross domestic product, the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country ) by 2024. Germany, along with many other countries, has not yet reached this goal.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper took a different tone in announcing the decision, suggesting it was part of a broader plan to reposition US forces in the region.

He said it was “an important strategic and positive change” that “would undoubtedly achieve the core principles of improving the deterrence of Russia by the United States and NATO.”

The measure will cost the United States government several billion dollars and reduce the country’s military presence in Germany by more than 25%.

A squadron of fighter jets would be flown to Italy, while some troops could be relocated to Poland, Esper said.

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Trump has previously complained about the lack of burden-sharing in NATO

The decision was criticized by German officials, and the chairman of the country’s foreign affairs committee suggested it “would weaken the NATO alliance.”

And the German Bavarian head of state Markus Soeder said he regretted the decision. “This puts a burden on the German-American relationship,” he told reporters.

There was also bipartisan criticism in Washington. “This is a self-inflicted wound … against American interests,” said Democratic Senator Jack Reed.

Republican Senator Mitt Romney described the decision to withdraw troops from Germany as a “serious mistake” and “a slap in the face of a friend and ally.”

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The plan was first announced by Trump last month, when he accused Berlin of being “delinquent” in its payments to NATO. He also accused Germany of treating the United States “very badly in trade.”

He also claimed that Germany was benefiting from having troops there because the soldiers spend their money in the country.

The United States’ military presence in Germany is a legacy of the post-World War II allied occupation of the country. Currently, Germany hosts by far the largest number of US forces in Europe, followed by Italy, the United Kingdom, and Spain.

Some of the Europe-based US personnel support non-NATO operations, and the number of US military fluctuates as forces rotate in and out of Europe.