United States Sets New Single-Day Record for New COVID-19 Cases

The United States topped its new coronavirus case record in a single day on Thursday with more than 75,000 according to a New York Times database. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the number of new cases in a 24-hour period was 68,428, which is also a record for its count.

According to The Times, some numbers have yet to be announced. Less than a month ago, on June 24, the record was 37,014 cases, but that number has almost doubled and the record has been broken 11 times in the past month.

On Thursday morning, the country topped 3.5 million infections, the highest in any country, Al Jazeera reported. According to data from John Hopkins University, the deaths exceeded 138,000.

Ten states hit record high deaths from coronavirus complications this week. On Thursday, Florida hit a record 156 deaths.

The Washington Post previously reported that hospital capacity in several states severely affected by increasing cases such as Arizona, Florida, Texas and Alabama is approaching capacity. Earlier this week, Alabama reported that 87% of the state’s ICU beds were already occupied.

Public health officials such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading U.S. infectious disease expert, warned that if security measures are not implemented in states experiencing sudden increases, the country could soon see 100,000 cases of coronavirus from day.

“It is conceivable that if we do not have good control over the current outbreak and continue to spread to other regions of the country, we could reach 100,000. In any case, I think you should at least leave that possibility on the table to make people realize realize how important it is for us to be in control of this. Remember, we went from 20,000 cases per day to 40,000, and then we went up to 60,000. The last thing I want to see in the world is that we can reach 100,000 per day, “he said. Fauci in an interview with InStyle magazine this week.

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