United Airlines threatens to fire flight attendants, other employees who refuse to wear a face mask

United Airlines has pleaded with flight attendants and other employees not to “see wearing masks as a political statement” in an internal memo sent Tuesday, and has issued a clear warning to anyone refusing to wear a face mask or cover: you run the very real risk of being fired. The warning came just hours before United said it would extend its mandatory passenger face mask rules to all areas of the airport beginning July 24.

“At United, safety has always been our number 1 priority. Our company, our reputation, and our own lives depend on it when we fly. Fighting COVID-19 is no exception: We will take every possible measure to help prevent the spread of the virus and help keep our employees and customers safe, “United Executive Vice President Kate Gebo wrote in the memo Tuesday.

Photo Credit: United Airlines

But Gebo acknowledged that while United is one of the first airlines in the United States to require both passengers and crew to wear a face mask on board their flights in May, “not everyone wears a mask when they should be.” .

“So we have further clarified the policy and the consequences: if an employee violates this policy, he is subject to disciplinary measures that may include dismissal,” Gebo said.

United personnel must wear a mask in all public areas and in non-public areas where social distancing is not possible. Employees who believe they are medically exempt from wearing a mask should apply for assistance through United’s reasonable accommodation program. You cannot use a face shield in place of a face mask.

“If you think the risks of the pandemic are minimal to you, know this: Even if you experience a mild case of COVID-19, you can pass it on to someone else for whom the disease will be serious or fatal,” Gebo continued.

Employees with a clean disciplinary record will receive a final written warning of their new violation of the new and strict rules. A second offense could result in immediate dismissal.

“As a leader in this company and as someone who cares a lot about all of you, I urge you, please, don’t see wearing masks as a political statement. Don’t ignore the consequences of actions known to continue the spread of the disease, “Gebo concluded.

Starting July 24, United will require passengers to wear a face mask while traveling to the airport at more than 360 airports around the world where the airline operates. The rules are in addition to local regulations and passengers face being denied boarding and prohibited from traveling in the future if they do not comply with United’s strict policy.

Only children under the age of one will be exempt from wearing a mask, while anyone else who believes there are “extraordinary circumstances warranting an exception” (such as a medical condition) should first speak to an airline representative before attempting to board a flight.

United already threatens to ban passengers who refuse to wear a mask on board their flights, but has allowed passengers to claim medical exemptions without providing any proof. That loophole has now been closed and non-compliant passengers risk being included on a no-fly list for at least as long as the mandatory face mask rules remain in effect.

The airline’s chief executive officer, Scott Kirby, said the additional signage would remind passengers of the rules and employees would first offer a free face mask to anyone who disobeys the policy. If a passenger continues to refuse to wear a face mask, a reminder card will be issued before boarding is denied.

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Mateusz Maszczynski

Mateusz Maszczynski is an experienced international flight attendant with a major airline in the Middle East and Europe. Mateusz is passionate about the aviation industry and helping aspiring flight attendants achieve their dreams. Cabin crew recruitment can be tough, ultra-competitive, and a little confusing – Mateusz has been there and has done it. He has the truth about what really works.