Uncle Ben has a new name: Ben’s origin

Revamped Ben’s products, which have the same blue font and orange packaging, will hit the shelves in 2021.

The transition from Uncle Ben to Ben’s original comes amid a widespread movement about racist equality and a fierce critique of brands with roots in racially motivated roots. In June, food companies that Uncle Bains, Aunt Jemima, Cream at F Whit and Mrs. Butterworth said they would retire or re-brand their products.
The brand name for the Mars rice was “Uncle Ben,” in 1940 Probably Fantasy Black rice is considered a farmer Famous for its high quality crops. According to the archived pages of Uncle Ben’s website, it features the face of Frank Brown, the head waiter at a unique Chicago restaurant, presented for Uncle Ben’s portrait. The company said it did not know if there was indeed Uncle Ben.

“For some people, it was clearly the influence of services and it’s not the brand we want to represent,” Fiona de CN Sun, global president of Mars Food, told CNN Business.

He said he decided to reintroduce the products after hearing from customers and employees requesting change on Tuesday.

“There is no place in this world for a place that points to social injustice.”

The privately held food and pet products company will partner with the National Urban League and donate million 2 million to the scholarship fund for the wishes of black chefs. Company વિ More for community educational programs and food consumption efforts in Greenville, Mississippi. will donate millions of dollars, where its products have been manufactured for four decades.
