Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s crazy lawsuit ends as hostage

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s promotion of a documentary on animal rights in 2005 led to the end of a dangerous bus hostage situation in northwestern Ukraine on Tuesday.

Maksym Kryvosh, 44, an animal rights activist and ex-con armed with guns and explosives, allegedly took the small bus on Tuesday, only to release the 10 hostages who remained on board and turn himself in to authorities after that the President made the intervention.

The Russian-born suspect was detained after a more than 12-hour standoff shortly after Zelensky posted a short video in fulfillment of one of his demands, saying: “Everyone should see the 2005 movie Earthlings.”

The strange six-second promotional video was posted on the President’s Facebook page, AP News reported.

Kryvosh reportedly called the police at 9:25 a.m. local time after commanding the vehicle and introducing himself as Maksym Plokhoy, which translates to “Maksym the Bad One,” said Deputy Interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko, according to NBC News.

Kryvosh is an animal rights activist who helped protect stray dogs, the Ukrainian media reported.

Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said the Kryvosh was “an unstable man who painted his world view and invented revenge for it.”

“He had his own vision of justice and the value of human life,” added Avakov.

Zelenskiy then praised law enforcement officers for saving the hostages, who were released unharmed.

“Human life is the most important value,” he said on Facebook. “Now families can finally hug their relatives who spent the whole day in distress on the bus.”

The bus seizure in Lutsk forced police to close the city center, which is located about 250 miles west of the capital Kiev.

Kryvosh at one point allegedly threw explosives out of the bus window, although no one was injured. He also allegedly fired multiple shots at a police drone.

Kryvosh is an ex-convict who has reportedly been convicted twice on charges including theft, fraud, illegal arms handling and spent 10 years in prison.

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