Point by point: the UK government’s plan to leave the blockade | World News


Following Boris Johnson’s broadcast on Sunday night, the government has released a strategy document, Our Plan to Rebuild, which sets out how the UK will gradually ease the blockade measures. The first changes in the “first step” of the process will be presented on Wednesday

Step one

Anyone who cannot work from home should consider commuting to work if their workplace is open. Employers have a duty to ensure that the workplace is safe, and the government says it has provided guidance to people on how to run a safe work environment.

Workers are asked to bike or walk to work as much as possible or to travel by car, to reduce the use of public transportation and avoid rush hours. Employers are being asked to consider finding more parking spaces for cars and bicycles and to provide locker rooms for staff to change clothes for work.

Workers who come into contact with others during their shifts should consider washing their clothes more frequently. The virus can remain on surfaces for up to 72 hours, so regular disinfection should be performed whenever possible. Bosses are also asked to consider allowing staggered start times. Workplaces must be well ventilated.

It is too early to open schools in the first step, although the government is asking local councils to encourage vulnerable students and children of critical workers to go to school. The government is modifying its guide to clarify that paid child care, for example, by babysitters and child minders, can be carried out as long as they comply with government guidelines for staying safe inside the home, which includes washing Hands regularly, doing laundry, and keeping a well-ventilated area and considering more outside activities.

Everyone should continue to avoid public transportation whenever possible. The government says it will increase funding and provide new legal guidance to encourage local authorities to expand pavements, consider closing roads in cities, and create emerging bicycle lanes.

Unlimited outdoor exercise means you can go out as many times of the day as you like, but you still won’t be able to use areas like playgrounds or outdoor gyms where there is an increased risk of close contact and touching surfaces. You can exercise with up to one person from outside your home, which means you cannot play team sports unless all participants are from the same home.

Social contact
As long as you follow the two-meter physical distance rules, you can meet a person from outside your home, such as a friend or relative, in a public place.

You can drive to an outdoor location no matter how far from your home, as long as you adhere to physical distance. However, the rules are different in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which means that people in England should not travel to parts of the country that do not comply with Boris Johnson’s “step one” plan.

Expensive coatings
These are not mandatory, but if you can, you should use one on public transport and in some stores. They should not be used by children under the age of two.

This should continue for extremely vulnerable groups, who should stay home and avoid face-to-face contact. For example, those who have had an organ transplant or are receiving chemotherapy or kidney dialysis.

People over the age of 70 with specific, chronic and pre-existing conditions, and pregnant women, are “clinically vulnerable” and should minimize contact with other people outside their homes, but they do not need to be protected. The document says the government is likely to advise people who are clinically extremely vulnerable to protection beyond June, the end of the current 12-week period.

Second step

These measures are for England and depend on the level of risk when making a final decision. The first day of June is the target of the following measures, but this is flexible. There would be 48 hours notice of any changes.

A gradual return for early years settings and schools. Schools should prepare to start opening for more children starting June 1, with first years, reception, year 1 and year 6 to return in smaller classes. High schools may begin some face-to-face contact for 10 and 12 year olds, who will have key exams next year. All children can return to school before summer for a month, based on scientific advice.

Non-essential stores could gradually reopen from June 1. Pubs, cafes and restaurants, and beauty services could not reopen at this time because the risk of transmission in these settings is greater.

Sport and culture
Closed-door cultural and sports events will be allowed for broadcast.

Social and family contact
The government says it wants to reduce the more damaging effects of current social restrictions while continuing to limit the risk of transmission chains. One measure could be to allow two households to share childcare to create a “social bubble”. The government is considering allowing small weddings.

Step three

These measures will be considered for introduction on July 4. If all five tests are met and there is scientific advice suggesting that more changes are accepted, the government plans to reopen the remaining companies, such as pubs, restaurants, hairdressers, beauty salons, places of worship and cinemas.

These places must meet safety guidelines. It is possible that some places that, due to their design, mean that physical distance is difficult, cannot be reopened at this stage.
