‘Dizzying alcohol abuse’ could overwhelm service


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Addiction services in England could find it difficult to deal with a “dizzying” number of people who abuse alcohol, warns the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Many adults have been drinking more since the coronavirus pandemic began, data shows.

The university estimates that in June, more than 8.4 million people in England were drinking at higher risk levels, up from 4.8 million in February.

It says the deep cuts made in addiction services could mean patients will miss out on life-saving care.

  • ‘I became an alcoholic during the confinement’
  • ‘Address harmful consumption in the confinement’

The rise in risky alcohol use comes at a time when more opioid addicts seek help from addiction services, the university says, referring to statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System showing 3,459 new cases in adults in April, 20% more than the 2,947 in the same period. month of the previous year.

  • Check how much you are drinking

The guidelines advise people to drink no more than 14 units of alcohol (equivalent to six large glasses of wine or six pints of beer) a week, spreading consumption over three days or more.

Drinking too much can damage your liver and increase your risk for other health conditions, such as heart disease and stroke.

People with alcohol use disorder are more likely to develop serious complications if they contract Covid-19.

The university asks the government to invest millions more in addiction services.

Professor Julia Sinclair, president of the university’s addiction faculty, said: “Covid-19 has shown how limited, under-resourced and ill-equipped addiction services are to treat the growing number of vulnerable people living with this complex disease.

“There are now only five NHS inpatient units in the country and there is no resource in my region to admit alcohol dependent people with coexisting mental illnesses.”

“Drug-related deaths and alcohol-related hospital admissions were already at record highs prior to Covid-19. I fear that unless the government acts quickly, we will see these numbers rise exponentially.”

Laura Bunt of the drug, alcohol and mental health charity We Are With You said: “Social isolation and lack of a human connection is a major factor behind why some people turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism, so clearly the pandemic is still really difficult for many people.

“When you consider that the UK had some of the highest levels of alcohol-related harm in Europe even before the shutdown in March, the need for the government to act now is clear.”

If you are concerned about addiction, BBC line of action you have help and support.
