Cyberpunk 2077 hotfix attempts to address seizure trigger, fixes various search errors


Cyberpunk 2077 is out the door, but that doesn’t mean the job is done. In fact, quite the opposite: the Christmas cornucopia of bugs, glitches, and performance issues means that CD Projekt Red developers are still at their desks, hammering away the dents. Patch 1.04 released today on PC and PlayStation (Xbox update is coming soon) makes a number of fixes and changes to missions, graphics, and performance, the main one being a change in flashing effects. in the “brain dances” of the game. “

Just days before launch, Game Informer reported that the brain dance sequence had triggered a seizure in its reviewer, who noted that the effect was “very much like the device neurologists use in real life to trigger a seizure” with diagnostic purposes. A day later, CD Projekt said it would add a more visible warning about the effect and that it was looking for “a more permanent solution.” That solution, as implemented by this patch, is to soften the effect and reduce both the frequency and magnitude of the flare.
