All future construction of Trump’s border wall came to a halt upon completion of the national emergency declaration that Trump signed to obtain funding. However, the order does not contain any provision to remove the existing wall.
The expansion of immigration enforcement introduced by Trump has slowed.
Liberians with safe haven in the United States will receive an extension of the deferral of deportations until June 30, 2022. The order also provided them with a work authorization.
Trump’s regulatory approval process has been undone. The order also requires the director of the Office of Management and Budget to develop recommendations to modernize the regulatory review.
Friday January 22
Food crisis
On his third day on the job, the new president issued executive orders increasing livelihood assistance, accelerating stimulus payments, and laying the groundwork for a $ 15 minimum wage for government workers and contractors.
Biden’s orders boosted an existing welfare payment, giving a family with three children an additional $ 100 every two months to supplement grocery purchases.
Other measures included asking the Treasury to accelerate stimulus payments of up to $ 600 per person that have already been approved by Donald Trump.