UK government unveils $ 2BN bailout package for UK cinemas and arts – Deadline

The British government has announced an unprecedented rescue package of £ 1.57BN ($ 2BN) for the country’s arts and culture venues, including independent cinemas and theaters.

The life preserver comes amid mounting panic that iconic British venues, such as Shakespeare’s Globe Theater and the independent Rio Cinema in Dalston, could fail after their finances have been devastated by the coronavirus pandemic.

The government said thousands of organizations will be able to access grants and emergency loans in what the ministers describe as the single largest investment in UK culture.

Grant decisions will be made with the support of bodies such as the British Film Institute and the Arts Council England. Part of the money will also go to capital investment projects paused by the pandemic.

This is what UK cinemas will look like after COVID (video)

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “From iconic theaters and musicals, from fascinating exhibits in our world-class galleries to concerts in local basement venues, the UK culture industry is the heart of this country.

“This money will help safeguard the sector for future generations, ensuring that arts groups and venues across the UK can stay afloat and support their staff while their doors remain closed and the curtains remain low.”

BFI CEO Ben Roberts was one of those who appreciated the news. “This is good news for our independent theaters, which play a vital cultural role across the country. Today’s announcement will help many of them reopen safely and promptly for the public and staff, and re-unite communities and movie lovers, ”he said.

James Graham, the writer of the ITV / AMC drama Exam and a prominent UK theater advocate added: “I am so incredibly grateful that the government has heard the outpouring of concerns not only but also of great passion from the public and artists over the threat to a much-loved part of our lives. national”.

“In normal times, we are a profitable industry and a world leader, and we can be one again. The scale and ambition of this package are incredibly welcome and I have to say a huge relief to the hundreds of thousands of skilled workers (not to mention millions of audience members) who want to be able to regain British culture and prosper as soon as be sure to do it. “