UK exhibitors expected to delay reopens if ‘Tenet’ changes again – Deadline

EXCLUSIVE: Yesterday news that Warner Bros is taking Christopher Nolan’s Beginning Outside of the theatrical release schedule it has sparked further concern off the coast of the UK, with the country’s major cinema chains slated to reopen most of their sites in just 10 days.

Beginning It was set for August 12, but sources we have spoken with today are convinced that this will not be the date, even if the studio opts for an unconventional international release, as advertised. The hope is that this anticipated additional delay could be short, just a few more weeks for some non-US markets, rather than the possible longer-term change that could cause the calendar to crash.

Top UK exhibitors Cineworld and Vue are slated to reopen on July 31, and Odeon, the largest chain by sites, is holding back most of its venues by that date. None of the chains would be registered since they are all waiting for a Warner update, but we hear that if Beginning if it moves, exhibitors will most likely be forced to delay their plans once again.

‘Peninsula’ makes a $ 21 million meal on the bow coast; ‘Deranged’ debuts in Germany; China ups the ante on the second day back to theaters – International box office

In yesterday’s announcement, Warner President Toby Emmerich mocked for the first time that the studio could employ a world-class platform platform strategy for the film, with major U.S. centers lagging behind much of the rest of the planet in recovery from coronavirus. This is exactly what major euro chains have been asking for recently, and the Warner chief’s comment that the study “is not trying Beginning as a traditional global date-and-day launch, and our upcoming marketing and distribution plans will reflect that “it is cause for optimism.” Previously, many had thought that piracy concerns would hinder the possibility of pending internal release, but these are unprecedented times.

Emmerich said that a new date will be announced “imminently” and that those with whom we have spoken today are praying, which means more information this week so they can decide whether to continue or change their current plans to reopen one week on Friday.

Russell Crowe Suspense Deranged, released in the UK by Altitude on July 31, is a title the exhibits hope to lure some of the first customers through the doors, and the photo starring Gemma Arterton of Lionsgate. Summerland as well as the relaunch of Nolan’s Start on the same date it will contribute. And let’s not rule out the black and white release of Parasite, which will be released in the UK on Friday (July 24) and will complete the $ 15 million the film has already earned in the country.

Yes Beginning premiered on August 12, that would leave two weeks between the movies described above and Nolan’s photo, then another week for Disney’s Mulan August 19. As it stands, it is a manageable time period, but if the delays widen the gap between the reopening of UK theaters and those major titles, the economics of all this becomes more difficult for film operators.

The ball is on Warner’s court. The UK is a key market for BeginningA glance at Nolan’s record reaffirms that point. The UK was comfortably the second largest box office territory for Dunkirk behind national, fourth in Interstellar behind the US, Korea (where the film market has reopened), and China (which is slowly returning to business) rank second again in The dark knight He wake upand third in Start behind the United States and China. All eyes remain, then, on the next planned study update.