UK and United States say Russia fired a satellite weapon in space

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The United States and the United Kingdom have accused Russia of testing a weapon-like projectile in space that could be used to attack satellites in orbit.

The US State Department described the recent use of “what appears to be actual orbiting anti-satellite weapons” as worrying.

Russia’s defense ministry previously said it was using new technology to perform controls on Russian space equipment.

The United States has already expressed concern over new activity by Russian satellites.

But it is the first time that the United Kingdom has made allegations of Russian test shots in space. They come just days after an investigation said the UK government “seriously underestimated” the threat posed by Russia.

In a statement Thursday, the US Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Non-Proliferation, Christopher Ford, accused Moscow of hypocrisy after saying he wanted gun control to be extended into space.

“Moscow aims to restrict the capabilities of the United States without intending to halt its own counter-space program,” he said.

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The head of the UK space directorate, deputy air marshal Harvey Smyth, said he was also concerned about the latest Russian satellite test, which he said had the “characteristics of a weapon.”

“Actions like this threaten the peaceful use of space and risk causing debris that could pose a threat to the satellites and space systems on which the world depends,” he said.

He urged Russia to be “responsible” and “to avoid further evidence of this kind.”

Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and China are among more than 100 nations that have committed to a space treaty that stipulates that outer space must be explored by all and for purely peaceful purposes.

The treaty adds that weapons must not be placed in orbit or in space.

The United States said the Russian satellite system was the same one it expressed concern about in 2018 and earlier this year when the United States accused it of maneuvering near a US satellite.

In this latest incident, Gen. Jay Raymond, who heads the US Space Command, said there was evidence that Russia “conducted a test of a space-based anti-satellite weapon.”

General Raymond added: “This is further evidence of Russia’s continued efforts to develop and test space systems and [is] in accordance with the military doctrine published by the Kremlin to employ weapons that keep American and allied space assets at risk. “

This Russian test of what Americans say is an anti-satellite weapon is part of a pattern of recent Russian space activity. In February, the US military said two Russian satellites maneuvered close to one American, and in April Moscow tested a ground satellite interceptor.

Only four countries, Russia, the United States, China and India, have demonstrated anti-satellite capabilities in recent decades. Anti-satellite warheads have been carried by aircraft or rockets, and the satellites have also been laser illuminated.

But Moscow is also clearly looking at using one satellite to kill another. Interest in such weapons is growing given our dependence on satellites for a variety of purposes, such as intelligence gathering, communications, navigation, and early warning.

There is no treaty to prohibit or limit such weapons, although several countries have advocated some form of agreement to do just this.

But in military terms, space has already become the new frontier with several countries organizing specific commands in their armed forces to address the defensive and offensive aspects of protecting their essential space-based systems.

A test of a new Russian satellite was carried out on July 15 with the aim of carrying out checks on the country’s space team, the Russian Defense Ministry said at the time.

“During testing of the latest space technology, one of the domestic satellites was closely examined using specialized equipment from small spacecraft,” the ministry said, according to the Interfax news agency.

He added that “valuable information on the technical condition of the investigated object had been recorded.”