Ubisoft responds to recent allegations of sexual misconduct

Following recent allegations against now-former Assassin’s Creed creative director Valhalla Ashraf Ismail, Ubisoft has released a public statement on the matter.

“We began by initiating investigations into the allegations with the support of specialized outside consultants,” the study said. “Based on the results, we are fully committed to taking each and every appropriate disciplinary action. As these investigations are ongoing, we cannot comment further. We are also auditing our existing policies, processes, and systems to understand where they have been broken down, and to ensure that we can better prevent, detect and punish inappropriate behavior. “

Although the study did not go into further detail, Ubisoft said it will share “additional measures” that will be implemented across the company in the coming days.

Ismail was recently denounced on social media for allegedly cheating on his wife with several women. Either as a result of the allegations or his own agreement, Ismail resigned as Valhalla’s creative director.

“I am giving up on my beloved project to adequately address the personal problems of my life,” Ismail wrote on her Twitter account, which has apparently been removed. “The life of my family and mine is destroyed. I deeply regret that everyone has suffered this.”

Ismail was not the only Ubisoft employee to have charges against him. The studio’s product and brand marketing manager Andrien Gbinigie has also been charged with sexual assault. Gbinigie denied the claims in a now-deleted Medium post.

“Regarding the recent allegations brought against certain members of the Ubisoft team: We want to start by apologizing to everyone affected by this, we are sorry,” Ubisoft said. “We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and safe environment for our teams, players and communities. It is clear that we have not done this in the past. We must do better.”

“Our goal is to foster an environment that our employees, partners and communities can be proud of, one that reflects our values ​​and is safe for everyone.”

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