U.S. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during COVID-19 deaths

The United States is closing fast on Tuesday at a number that was unimaginable when the first death from the coronavirus occurred in February, according to NBC News figures.

U.S. In the last to .. More than 1 million confirmed COVID-19 cases, 190,327 deaths were reported, according to the latest figures.

In the last seven days, a new COVID-19 death has been reported every 106 seconds, according to an NBC News analysis.

Silver lining? The rate at which new coronavirus deaths were accumulating was slightly slower than in the first week of August Gust, when one person died of coronavirus every 80 seconds over a seven-day period.

And the states that recorded the highest increase in mortality in the last four weeks were not the largest or most populous.

Statistics show that the death toll in West Virginia has risen by 111 percent, with 24 deaths since the outbreak began.

Wyoming (100 percent), Alaska (78 percent), Arkansas (52 percent), North Dakota (52 percent), Kentucky (51 percent) and Georgia (51 percent) also saw a large increase in COVID-19 deaths.

U.S. The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the two regions with the lowest mortality rates, also saw large increases in coronavirus mortality. The death toll in the Virgin Islands has risen 167 percent in the past four weeks, while the death toll in Puerto Rico has risen 77 percent.

Since the outbreak began, a total of 17 deaths have been reported in the Virgin Islands and 477 in Puerto Rico.

New York, 33, became the state with the most casualties, but most of the deaths occurred in March and April when the northeast was a hot spot in the country and scientists and health officials were still trying to find a way to control it. Spread crisis

Most of the subsequent deaths have occurred in southern and the Sun Belt states, such as Florida, Arizona, and Texas, which reopened in May at the request of President Donald Trump, as epidemics broke out in those areas.

Although still higher, according to figures compiled by NBC News and other news organizations, Florida and Arizona are seeing a slow decline in new cases and deaths.

California, which took aggressive measures as early as possible to deal with the crisis and saw a big increase when it reopened, still leads the country with 742,074 cases. However, in recent weeks, the number of new cases and hospital admissions has also declined.

“We’ve done a great job with Covid,” Trump said on Tarmac before the Air Force One flight to Florida and North Carolina on Tuesday. “We’ve done a great job with the China virus, a great job. And whether it’s a ventilator or vaccines, you’ll see very soon, or a therapeutic one, we’ve done a great job.”

But Trump has been criticized for politicizing the issue of wearing a mask by refusing to wear it in public, keeping in mind the dangers associated with the epidemic and the virus.

The U.S. leads the world in death and confirmed cases alone, but it accounts for about a quarter of the more than 27.3 million cases and one-fifth of the more than 893,000 deaths worldwide, according to the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 dashboard.

Meanwhile Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease specialist and frequent Trump target, is a U.S. citizen. Pour cold water on the life expectancy in until the coronavirus vaccine is given.

“We will not return to normal until the vaccine arrives,” Foi said in the research! America 2020 National Health Research Forum. “We probably won’t in 2021 until the year around this time.”

It is a less-than-optimistic comment that sparked the White House’s attempt to discredit the FC in July.

And on Friday, the Trump administration relied on forecasts for favorable epidemics to warn the research organization that by January 1, the death toll in the U.S. could more than double.

“The worst is yet to come,” said Dr. Christopher Murray of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University School of Medicine in Washington.

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  • The University of West Virginia has become the new state-of-the-art university to suspend individual classes on its main campus following a recent spike in the COVID-19 case. About 51,000 cases and 60 deaths were reported in about 1,500 colleges and universities surveyed by the New York Times. The five universities with the most cases? University of Alabama (1,367), University of South Carolina (1,192), University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (1,100), Ub Burn University (1,074) and Illinois State University (1,029).