U.S. Coronavirus: With increasing Covid-19 cases and hospital admissions, local leaders and public health experts are concerned about the coming surge.

In Colorado, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock said Covid-19 cases are growing at a “relative rate”, while the city’s seven-day average daily case rates are as high as they were at epidemic heights in May. “

During a news conference Monday, he said the average number of seven-day hospital admissions had also risen by about 37%, and warned that residents would soon see stricter Covid-1 restrictions if the city’s numbers continued to go in the wrong direction. .

Officials across the country warn of similar patterns. White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birks warned last week that the Northeast is seeing “early surges” of alarming trends. The governor of Kentucky said the state has recently seen a third major increase in infections. In Wisconsin, a field hospital is opening this week in response to a surge in Covid-19 patients – days after the state reported a significant number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and daily deaths.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, U.S. It is now selling an average of more than 49,000,000 new infections a day – an increase of 14% over the previous week. And last week, more than 40,000 new cases were reported in the country for at least four consecutive days. The last time this happened was in early August.

Dr. “I think we’re facing a whole lot of trouble,” Anthony Fawcett told CNBC on Monday. “We have to rotate this.”

That doesn’t mean there will be another lockdown, the infectious disease specialist said earlier. Instead, it means more people wearing masks and considering safety guidelines like social distance.

Otherwise, the U.S. May be catastrophic for the winter. Researchers at the University of Washington’s Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation project could kill more than 135,000 Americans in the next three months.

Healthcare professionals ‘deeply afraid’

Hospital hospitalization is also on the rise across the country. Record-high hospitalizations have been recorded in at least 10 states since Friday, according to data from the Covid Trekking Project.

Across the country, there are more than 35,000 people hospitalized with the virus, according to the report Project.
The man who fired Kovid-19 and then survived says he is an example to the suspects.

As emergency physicians begin to see excitement in severe Covid-19 cases, they are also becoming fearful, said Dr. Megan Ranny, an emergency physician at Brown University.

“We’re increasing the number of all Covid-19 patients who are coming into our ER, who are really sick, in need of hospitalization and intensive care,” Rennie told CNN. He added, “We are all deeply afraid that this is the beginning of another terrible wave.”

He said the U.S. Healthcare professionals in India still lack adequate personal protective equipment and testing supplies.

“We’re very scared of where we’re heading.”

Tracy Nixon, chief nursing officer at the University of Utah Health, told CNN-affiliated QTV last week that the intensive care units of the hospital system have a %%% capacity and will put a strain on the staff they expect “in the next few weeks.”

“Our teams are tired and under tremendous pressure,” Nixon told the affiliate.

13% increase in 2 weeks in child covid-19 cases

Meanwhile, an updated report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospitals Association shows that more children have been diagnosed with the virus. The report found a 13% increase in cases of children between September 24 and October 8 – with more than 77,000 new infections.

The report traces data from health departments in 49 states, New York City, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. The report said about 10.7% of children in the Covid-19 cases in the states performed, the report said.

The news comes as many schools have returned personalized instruction and are exploring the challenges that come with new infections.

No one size fits all to return to class safely during an epidemic, Fawcett told CNN. The process that appears should depend on how widespread the infection is in the community and how much monitoring is needed, he said.

“When schools are set up, when they have plans, when everyone wears masks universally, when they test people surveillance for system infections, (and) they know what they’re doing.” A child or older student who has to deal with an infection – it can work, ”he said.

Vaccine trial on suspension

And while the U.S. was fighting an epidemic ahead of the vaccine, drugmakers Johnson and Johnson announced Monday that one of the volunteers had stopped the state-of-the-art clinical truck of its experimental vaccine due to an unexplained illness.

Johnson and Johnson halt trial of Covid-19 vaccine after 'unexplained illness'

“Following our guidelines, a participant’s illness is reviewed and evaluated by the ENSEMBLE Independent Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) as well as our internal clinical and safety practitioners,” the company said in a statement. ENSEMBLE is the name of the study.

“Adverse events – illness, accidents, etc. – are serious, they are an expected part of any clinical study, especially large studies.”

The company did not say what the illness was.

U.S. This is the second phase of hitting the pause button in the 3 Covid-19 vaccine trial. The trial of the AstraZeneca vaccine was halted last month due to a neurological complication in the volunteer – and while the trial has resumed in other parts of the world, it was postponed to the U.S. Stopping in while health officials investigate.

CNN’s Amanda Watts, Jane Christensen, Andrea Kane and Lure Ren Mascarenhas contributed to the report.
