U.S. Coronavirus: Pfizer and Moderna test vaccine against UK variant

“Based on today’s data, we expect that Moderna’s vaccine-induced immunity will be protective against variants recently described in the UK; we will conduct additional tests next week to confirm this expectation,” Moderna said in a statement. .

Pfizer said it now “generates data” on whether blood samples from people vaccinated by its vaccine could “neutralize new strains from the UK”.

The novel coronavirus has been mutated before, and both companies say they have discovered that their vaccines work against other variants of the virus.

Experts are skeptical about the significance of this change, even though many countries, including Canada, have banned travelers from the UK.
The United States has not done so, but the White House is considering presenting evidence of negative coronavirus testing to UK travelers before they arrive in the US, two administration officials told CNN on Monday.
The Moderna vaccine is now in the hands of some Americans as the Covid-19 case crosses the 18 million mark in the U.S.

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said the UK variant “does not change what is to be done” in terms of safety.

“People need to understand what’s important because this doesn’t change what we need to do,” he said. “We need to wear masks, wash our hands, watch our distances and wait at gatherings, and when it becomes available to us we need to get vaccinated, we need to get vaccinated.”

Whether different or not, U.S. Failed to limit the spread of Covid-19. The winter solstice on Monday marks the darkest day of the year and provides a systematic metaphor for this period of epidemic. U.S. As many as 191,000 new Covid-19 cases and 1,700 new deaths were reported in the country on Monday, as more than 115,000 people were hospitalized with the virus, a record.

Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during this time. Balanced for the population, the states with the most new cases in the past week are Tennessee, California and Rhode Island, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Yet as the days get longer and spring’s renewal approaches, widespread vaccinations are promised. U.S. Department of Disease Control and Prevention According to the centers, more than 614,000 doses of the vaccine have been given, and millions more are expected in the coming months.

Dr. Fauci says the variable may be U.S. Be in

Dr. Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Anthony Fauci said on Monday that the coronavirus variant in the UK could possibly be the U.S. Is in

“You have to make that assumption,” the FC told Judy Woodruff of PBS Newshour on Monday.

“When you see something that’s very prevalent in a place like the UK, there are also changes that we’re seeing in South Africa, and looking at travel around the world, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s already here.”

“Certainly it’s not yet in vogue, as nature is supposed to be in the UK, but we’ll explore it right now, and I’m sure sooner or later we’ll run. Add to it and find it,” he added.

What we know about the UK coronavirus variant - and what we don't know

Fauci said the mutations in the virus are no different from normal and most have no significant effect. Researchers are still trying to determine if the UK type is more transmissible, but Fawcett said it has no effect on the virus’s deadness.

Fawcett said he thinks the UK travel ban is premature, as there is not enough evidence to confirm it. He said he prefers to consider the possibility of mandatory testing of passengers from the UK.

Some researchers who are examining the genome of the UK variable have told CNN that they are concerned that a change in this variant could reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.

“You can imagine a little hit in the effectiveness of the vaccine, which wouldn’t be good, but I don’t think it will break the vaccine,” said Trevor Bedford, an associate professor in the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Department. Research Center.

Other experts, however, have been skeptical of any effect on the vaccine.

“It won’t make people more sick and it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the protective nature of the vaccine we’re currently using.”

Monsef Sloui, chief scientific adviser at Operation Operation Warm Speed, told a news briefing on Monday that there was “no hard evidence” that the type was more transmissible.

“There is clear evidence that the population is overcrowded,” he said. “Whether it’s due to the high ability to transmit or not, we’re now able to index and view the virus all the time, when it was carrying a population in the southeast of the UK we weren’t, or they weren’t, looking for this particular type Were living. “

More than 600,000 vaccines were given

CDC According to the U.S. Within a week of the start of vaccination, more than 6.6 vaccines have been given and about 61,000,000 doses have been given.

The first round of doses has been given to people living in support facilities, federal officials and healthcare workers such as Dr. Joseph Vernon.

Vernon, a critical care doctor and staff chief at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, was one of the first to receive a dose of Moderna vaccine, which the FDA authorized for emergency use on Friday.

This. Joseph Won Ron told CNN on Monday, “Holding the dose held,” this is to keep the gold. “I’m not crying, but I’ve come so close … you know how many lives you can save with this?”

Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were shown to be about 95% effective in clinical trials and had minimal differences for the person receiving the shot.

The first dose of the modern vaccine was sent to more than 3,500 sites in the U.S., compared to more than 600 Pfizer sites. General Gustav Parna of All Operations Speed ​​Speed ​​said Monday that 9.9 million doses of Moderna and Pfizer will be distributed in the US this week.

One of the people who distributed the vaccine was Todd Able, a UPS tractor trailer driver whose father had died from Covid-19.

He said, “I know my dad is smiling at us right now.”

CNN’s Jeremy Diamond, Rendria Diaz, Shelby Lynn Erdman and Naomi Thomas will contribute to the report.
