U.S. Coronavirus: More than half of the states report new cases as 200,000 people are close to death in the country

The states that have reported more new cases in the last seven days include Wisconsin, Idaho, South Dakota, Iowa and Kansas, all of which also have coronavirus positivity rates above 15%.

The positivity rate is the percentage of all tests given that return positive for coronavirus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) advised governments in May that the positivity rate should be 5% lower or lower for at least two weeks before business resumes. According to JHU, a total of 27 states and Puerto Rico are above that level.

But some states are still seeing improvement. Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts and New York all have positivity rates below 1%, and Delaware, Hawaii, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina and Vermont have fewer cases than last week.

U.S. The virus has infected more than 7.7 million people in the world and killed 199,511 people, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The formula for reducing deaths and cases

Maryland recorded a record low positivity rate of 1.89% on Sunday, and state officials encouraged people to continue testing to keep the case under control. Many health experts say that comprehensive testing is the key to finding asymptomatic or pre-therapeutic carriers so that they can isolate and prevent the spread of the virus.
The North Carolina couple, who have been married for more than 50 years, died shortly after holding hands except for the Covid-19.

Steps such as smart testing as well as distance, avoiding crowds, wearing masks and washing hands are key to turning the virus, flattening Adam. Brett Giroire, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, told CNN’s Jack Tapper on Sunday.

“We are working every day. We have a formula to reduce deaths, to reduce cases, but we must be disciplined and work hard every day that we will follow every day.”

In response to the potentially damaging milestone of 200,000 coronavirus deaths, Giroire said “every death is a tragedy” and the task force is working every day to bring them down.

The CDC accepts airborne coronaviruses

U.S. Department of Disease Control and Prevention Updated guidance from the centers says the coronavirus is usually spread by viral particles in the air.

The guide previously stated that Covid-19 was primarily thought to spread between people within 6 feet of each other and through respiratory drops “produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.”

The updated CDC guidelines acknowledge that coronavirus is spread through the air

The guide, updated on Friday, still says that the Covid-19 is usually spread among people in close contact with each other. But it also says that the virus is spread through respiratory drops when an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings, talks or breathes.

Particles can become infected if they are inhaled into the nose, mouth, airways and lungs, the guide says.

“There is evidence that drops and airborne particles can remain suspended in the air and be inhaled by others, and travel more than 6 feet (for example, during singing practice, in restaurants or in fitness classes),” now the page says. Is. “In general, indoor environments without good ventilation increase this risk.”

Donald Milton, a professor of environmental health at the University of Maryland, who studied how the virus is transmitted, told CNN that the CDC’s new language is a “major improvement.”

Milton was the lead author of a letter signed by 239 scientists in July. They urged the World Health Organization to come forward about the possibility of catching the virus from drops in the air. Since then, the WHO has released a report on how coronavirus can be transmitted between people, including through some medical procedures and possibly through the air between crowded indoor spaces.

“I’m very encouraged to see the CDC paying attention and moving forward with science. Evidence is gathering,” Milton wrote in an email to CNN.

Dr. Ep. Abdul Al-Sayed, an epidemiologist and public health expert, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Sunday that the guidelines izes formalize the CDC’s earlier recommendations.

“For people it means that the mask is critically important,” he said. “It’s the most important way to prevent aerosols from coming out of our mouths and noses and then getting into other people’s mouths or noses.”

The study finds more links between epidemics and mental health

As Covid-19 intensified in the U.S., so did stress and depression levels, according to a study published in the journal Science Advances.

A study of more than 50,000 people found that many factors can increase people’s stress.

The biggest risk factor for depressive symptoms was a pre-epidemic mental health diagnosis, the researchers found.

The researchers said that stress and stress symptoms were also more associated with personal contact rather than spreading in public – suggesting that “concerns about the transmission of the disease outweighed concerns about epidemic disruptions in daily life.”

New signs of happiness for Covid-119 despite American death toll close to other alarming targets

“Nearly a quarter (23.5%) of the sample reported that they or others nearby were exposed to COVID-19 (e.g., experienced symptoms, diagnosed),” the researchers wrote in a report published Friday.

There was also a big impact on employment, who had the most trouble with those who lost their jobs, the study found.

“The data suggest that individuals who continued to work at this early stage of the epidemic were less depressed than those who did not work, although they had a higher risk of contracting the virus,” the researchers said.

It would have given a new meaning to the work of the rest of the people working as ‘essential’ workers which reduced the risk of frustration. “

The researchers said another factor in the epidemic-related stress was how often conflicting information was exposed to participants through news and social media.

An average of seven hours a day people were immersed in the news, they watched, and over time the intense stress increased.

But consistent, accurate and reliable news reports can be a great way to control stress, researchers suggest.
