Two PR experts at FDA have been expelled after blood plasma failure

Two public relations experts advising the Food and Drug Administration have been moved from their positions to heated communication over a blood plasma treatment for Covid-19. President Trump and the head of the FDA had wrongly called on the eve of the Republican National Convention that the treatment sharply reduced the mortality rate of the disease.

On Friday, the FDA commissioner, Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, Emily Miller, the agency’s chief spokeswoman, removed. The White House had installed Ms. Miller, who had previously worked in communications for Senator Ted Cruz’s re-election campaign and as a journalist for One America News, the conservative cable network, in this post just 11 days ago.

Dr. Hahn informed senior management at the FDA on Friday that Ms. Miller would no longer be the official spokeswoman for the agency, and that he would appoint someone to replace her in an interim capacity. Mrs Miller could not be reached for comment.

Ms. Miller’s removal came one day after the FDA’s parent agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, terminated the contract of a public relations adviser who Dr. Hahn had advised to improve misleading remarks about the benefits of blood plasma for Covid-19.

“I have recommended that he improve the record,” said consultant Wayne L. Pines, who said he did not say why his contract was terminated. “If a federal official does not say something right, and chooses to clarify and say that the criticism is justified, that is surprising,” said Mr. Pines.

The Department of Health and Human Services denied that Mr. Pines was terminated because of his involvement in the plasma messages.

It was “100 percent coincidence,” said Brian Harrison, the department’s chief of staff. “HHS has reviewed and canceled similar contracts that I had sent to our attorneys, who recommended termination. It was routine, ‘he said.

Mr. Pines is president of the major healthcare practice at APCO Worldwide, a public relations and lobbying firm that represents healthcare companies doing business for the FDA. He said he did this work on his own, outside of his APCO practice. He would not say how much he was paid, but stated that as a friend of Dr. Hahn is ready to advise him for free.

The FDA had considered allowing the use of restorative plasma as a treatment for Covid-19 on an emergency basis, but last week The New York Times reported that the decision was delayed after Dr. Francis S. Collins and Dr. Anthony S Fauci intervened and expressed concern that the available evidence on the effectiveness of the treatment was too weak. FDA officials argued that although the data were preliminary and required continuous analysis as more patients were treated, plasma still met the standard of the Emergency Use Authorization Bureau.

On Saturday morning, Mr. Trump tweeted that the “deep state” at the FDA is slowing down drug development. Late that night, the White House press secretary tweeted that the president would have a news conference the next day “about a major therapeutic breakthrough.”

The announcement would have to be a rare win for the FDA, which had spent months debating criticism of its track record on the pandemic, such as the independence of Drs. Hahn, who was previously pressured by Mr. Trump to authorize malaria drugs that have been shown to be ineffective for Covid-19 and carry risks of harmful side effects. But last weekend, the agency was finally able to reveal some legitimate good news: restorative plasma, when given early, showed promise for a subset of Covid-19 patients.

The announcement, made on Sunday in the White House, has sparked a week of accusations, anger and mistrust between the FDA and the HHS. The officials’ statements on Sunday nuanced and inflated preliminary data in “a very historic breakthrough,” according to Mr. Trump set it. That drew criticism from scientists and at least three former bureau commissioners, who said the exaggerated statements undermined public confidence in the FDA. In a speech at the convention on Thursday night, the president again overestimated what is known about the benefits of plasma, and promised it “will save thousands and thousands of lives.”

Health experts have apologized for the failure of Dr. Hahn to check the public message about the plasma authorization.

“This is a low moment for the FDA in at least a generation,” said Daniel Carpenter, a professor at Harvard University who studies the bureau. “This was a large self-inflicted wound.”

These extraordinary missteps by a federal agency that has taken pride in its scientific independence have made the American public unwilling to accept a vaccine approved by the agency, especially when the decision is seen as being made under pressure from President Trump,

“There are almost not enough adjectives to describe how horrible this is,” said Emily K. Brunson, a medical anthropologist at Texas State University. Opinion polls have shown that many Americans are already wary of getting a vaccine for the virus.

But making the issue political, she said, “is an added component that is unique in modern times, and it has the potential to make this a really disastrous situation.”

Sharon LaFraniere contributed reports from Washington.