Twitter is taking away Eric Trump’s Roy Williams video following UNC complaint

A complaint from the University of North Carolina seems to have led to Twitter posting a video by Eric Trump with the face of his father President Donald Trump lying on the body of UNC basketball coach Roy Williams.

The younger Trump published the interview Wednesday morning after Day 2 of the Republic National Convention, according to The News & Observer.

Entitled “Backstage Yesterday at the #RNC”, the president’s face was placed on Williams’ body in a famous clip of the coach dancing with his players following a win over Duke in 2016. Other figures, including Eric and Donald Trump Jr., Terrence K. Williams and Kanye West were reportedly edited in the video, while some players had edited “Make America Great Again” hats on their heads.

UNC not happy with Trump video

Such a post drew the wrath of the UNC program, whose spokesman Steve Kirschner confirmed to The News & Observer that Trump had used his copyrighted video without permission. He also said that the program supports the efforts of NBA and Tar Heel alumni in the fight against racial injustice:

“First, our players, coaches, and staff support the Milwaukee Bucks’ action to boycott yesterday’s playoff game, which had the support of the NBA and other professional athletes, teams, and leagues,” Kirschner said Thursday in an email. . “We are proud of Marvin Williams, Danny Green, Kenny Smith and our other Tar Heel alumni who have chosen to take this important step toward continuing racial justice.”

He added from the video: “We are deeply disappointed that political messages would be made with video without permission showing our players, coaches and uniforms from our team’s dressing room party.”

We do not even come down like that

“No”I’m scared“No”Hell no. – this ass!“” Data-reactid = “34”> Several UNC figures, including members of that 2017 team, also called out the video, varying from “We do not even come down like that“No”I’m scared“No”Hell no. – this ass!

Williams – who was accompanied by Dean Smith, one of the most progressive voices in sports history – has been very critical of Trump in the past, and once said that the president “tweets more bulls – than anyone who I’ve never seen one. ” When the Tar Heels won the national championship in 2017, the team did not visit the White House, although that was made public to plan conflicts.

Twitter is taking down another Trump video

Shortly after UNC’s complaints, Twitter confirmed to The Hill that it had taken down Trump’s video due to a copyright infringement:

“According to our copyright policy, we respond to valid copyright complaints sent to us by a copyright owner or its authorized representatives,” a Twitter spokesman told The Hill on Thursday.

the whole message seems to be completely gone by now. “data-reactid =” 40 “> While only the video was deleted first, the whole message seems to be completely gone by now.

This is not the first time Trump has walked over to copyright laws. Donald Trump has taken down videos about complaints about likes of Nickelback, “The Dark Knight Rises” and “Game of Thrones.” Music legend Neil Young has also accused Trump of using his songs “Rockin ‘in the Free World” and “Devil’s Sidewalk” at numerous campaign events.