Turn off Indie sale offers up to 40% off, including some games from yesterday’s Showcase

Indie world sales

Nintendo has put an indie-focus sale on Nintendo Switch, and yesterday celebrated the Nintendo Indie World Showcase of yesterday.

Taking place primarily in North America, this sale offers discounts of up to 40% on some cracking indie titles on Switch, including launch window discounts for some of the games that were shown in yesterday’s show. You can find all current Switch discounts here, and deals for new releases in particular here (both of these links will direct you to the official Nintendo website).

Indie Sale

Some offers, such as those for the new Indie Showcase games, are also available in Europe, so make sure you jump on the eShop in your country and search through the recent releases to find them. Many of the games in yesterday’s surprise show were launched immediately later, so there are plenty to choose from.

These offers end on August 30th at 11:59 pm PT, so make sure you pick up everything that really benefits you before then.

Happy shopping!
