Your address will now have 9 digits


The problem of returning cargo and shipments and not finding the address is a thing of the past. In the coded address system, each address will have a 9-digit number. The system will start with the first PTT load.

According to a report by Milliyet Leader Yilmaz, Turkey is going to use the coded address of the public address system. From now on, addresses will consist of 9-digit numbers. General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs Directorate Head of the Department Levent Yazıcı, “Citizens get anxious saying their TR ID number and full address. With this project, it will say 20-66-80-308, it’s nine digits, ‘address code’, you don’t need anything else “ said. Yazıcı gave the first address codes to the curious deputy commissioners. Yazıcı, in summary, in the TBMM Earthquake Investigation Commission, said:

VI IN THE UK: I am from the team that was sent to England in 2006. When we moved into a house, we rented a house number 24 on Cradock Road in Oxford Street, which runs parallel to Victoria Park, opposite the University of Leicester. What is the address of this house? When I told the real estate agent, he said; ‘LE21TD’. What kind of address is this? when he said ‘This is your everything. When someone asks you something about the house, you will say LE21TD ‘. And I said this when I was insuring my car for a year, paying for water to the municipality, going to the health center, giving someone an address.

TAŞINAN WAS: Let’s say you go to a freight company, you will give your address, you have a citizen with you, ‘What is your address?’ When you say, people look like ‘should I give my full address?’ he. Would you be anxious? I know who took your home because your full address was given. Here’s 20-66-80-308, it’s nine numbers, you don’t need anything else.

E-COMMERCE, SCHOOL ENROLLMENT: Let’s say someone will send you a shipment. ‘What is your address?’ .. PTT terminated. You will now provide your address code when registering your child for school. All the infrastructure is finished, all our apartments have an address code.

IN TEST PHASE: PTT Cargo has created its own ‘web’ interface, test work continues at this time. I wanted to express it as the zip code in the meeting with PTT, but PTT officials said; ‘Postal code is a technical term, it refers to the region and is prescribed by law; We can’t say that. ‘ Then we said, let’s call it the address code. Now everyone has an independent MAKS address code, in the houses where you are also present. Our meetings with the Minister, PTT and other cargo companies, BTK and the General Directorate of Internal Trade continue. Private shipping companies also put the address code.

AUTOMATIC CURRENT ADDRESS: PTT was very excited when they first found out about this, they said; “Most of our loads return because the address cannot be found, people give their addresses and their streets change. But if you provide your address code, regardless of who changes your address, your address code will automatically match the current address in the system.


PTT told us; “Now let’s remove the public address, let’s go to the address code.” No, my friends said ‘my mother still doesn’t know her Turkish identity number’. People may not know this, but let us offer people who know the address code, ‘If you know your address code, we can write your address code’, people will slowly learn it. How do we spread it? The human being enters the electronic government door and learns the address code; From the website of the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs, the identification number and the address code can be sent to the mobile phone with some verifications; You send a message that we determine from your mobile phone, your address code will be sent to your mobile phone with your TR ID number.

CODE GIVEN TO MEMBERS: (On curiosity and questions from committee members) We are going to send you your address codes one by one right away, e-government has not been opened yet.

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