Yılmaz Özdil evaluated the discussions about Melih Bulu, who was appointed to Boğaziçi University, and Süleyman Soylu’s statement about the “PKK puppets”.


Yılmaz Özdil, in the program “Lens” presented by Tuba Emlek, who participated in TELE 1, referring to Boğaziçi; “I also have a candidate for ‘rector’. They have designated ‘this’ to Boğaziçi and ‘this’ to METU. There is a member of the faculty at Diyarbakır Dicle University. This friend wrote poetry from 100 continents for Erdogan. ‘I want to give life to you life’ … The complete rector will be the man … “using Özdil expressions,” Today they should take exams on the poetry of this friend at the University of Bogazici. The winners were able to become a professor at the University of Bogazici. Sorry to come for Turkey and the level of science to which it was brought. “

Even AKP administrators are trying to learn about this handcuff problem. Did they handcuff Boğaziçi University or AKP? We will see this in time. Because this is the back of the AKP. So it was on the back of the AKP interior minister. I don’t think they have given such an instruction, “said Özdil,” Melih Bulu did not sit on his seat, it is correct to use handcuffs. He’s in a really sad situation. You don’t know, but you have already resigned, fired, you don’t know. It is impossible for him to continue being rector there ”, he said.


Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu targeted Yılmaz Özdil, who criticized the photo he found with the soldiers while eating on the ground. Yılmaz Özdil criticized the photo that Süleyman Soylu gave the soldiers while eating on the ground at the Berbuka Kalekol Base District Command, and in his statement on his social media account, he said: “I have been a journalist in this country for 38 years. I see it many times, ”he said.

Süleyman Soylu responded to Özdil’s post on his social media account. In her statement, Soylu said: “Years later, it seems that the Upper Belbuka Region, which we took over three months ago, has damaged the psychology not only of the PKK, but also of the PKK puppets Yılmaz Özdil and the media rat… In our town they say; The caravan walks! “He used the expressions. Yılmaz Özdil responded to Tuba Emlek against Süleyman Soylu’s statements.

Özdil said: “He is not a man to call me a member of the PKK, but the Minister of the Interior was not born from his mother’s womb. The interior minister should apologize if he has any respect for him. You should also apologize to the heroic Turkish officers, NCOs, martyrs, and veterans featured in this book. Attaching the PKK label to the man who did not come to work is an action that should end with an apology. The Minister of the Interior should apologize to me ”.
