Wondering about the corona vaccine? Fatih Altayli wrote


Vaccination studies against the coronavirus continue, which affects the whole world. The first positive results began to be obtained in vaccine studies. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca also said yesterday: “If there is no problem in December, January and February, a total of 50 million doses of vaccine have been signed with the contract. We aim for a minimum of 10 million doses in December, but 20 million. In January, no problem with 20 million. ” A contract was signed for a total of 50 million doses, with a minimum of 10 million in February. We are also in contact, ”he said.


Habertürk writer Fatih Altaylı also wrote the curious questions about the vaccine in today’s column.

Altaylı said: “Although I have read articles on corona and Covid in the last 10 months almost as many as doctors, maybe even more than some doctors, of course I cannot answer the questions. However, I can convey the answers to you by asking the most questions. frequent to the most expert people in the subject “. said.

Here are those questions and their answers …

– How many doses of vaccine will reach Turkey?

– The husband ministers of Turkey to 50 million doses of vaccine yesterday announced the future. In fact, it was around 25 million doses that I am aware of as of yesterday. This means that new agreements have also been made. 50 million doses of vaccine means that 25 million people will be vaccinated because the Covid-19 vaccine is only effective if 2 doses are applied. 25 million people will be vaccinated twice.

– Who will be vaccinated? Who has priority?

– The priority is, of course, the health personnel. Then, according to age and morbidity, it will be done to risk groups and then to public transport drivers, employees of places where basic necessities are sold and personnel who provide public services.

– Will the vaccine be free?

– It will be free for health professionals and risk groups. Other than that, it will be sold for money. The price for a single dose is expected to be around $ 15. In other words, a person can have two doses of vaccine for about $ 30, roughly TL 250. Rahim Ak will learn and write today whether private health insurance covers the vaccine in Habertürk.

– And the most important question: which of these vaccines is more reliable and is the Chinese vaccine reliable?

– According to Turkey’s leading vaccine experts who are currently testing vaccines that completed the German / American vaccine from Biontech Pfizer, the Sinovac vaccine and the American Moderna China vaccine are also reliable vaccines. The British Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine and the American Johnson and Johnson vaccine are also on the way, but there is no clear information about them yet. Chinese, German, and American vaccines are quite safe. There are doubts especially about the Chinese vaccine, but according to experts, the Chinese vaccine may be even more reliable than others in terms of risk because it is a vaccine produced with old and familiar technology. It is not possible to say anything, as there is no clear information about the Russian vaccine.

– How long do these vaccines protect?

– There is still no clear information on this topic. However, it is sure to provide protection until at least the summer. Turkish scientist Uğur Şahin, founder of Biontech, says they expect the effect to be much longer.

