Will Turkey disrupt education in general? Minister explained


The highlights of Selçuk’s statements are as follows:

“We have interrupted education for a week in Izmir. This period can be revised depending on the situation.

In this environment, our children, parents, and teachers need social support.

Our experts are ready to cure mental problems.

It is very important to evacuate buildings. We owe a big thank you to all the administrators and teachers in our schools because we were able to evacuate from our schools very quickly with their experience and knowledge, and we have handled this process without anyone bothering.

A detailed analysis is carried out of all minor damages, some cracks or marks seen on the walls of our 39 schools. All preparations for the necessary repair work have been completed. Thank God, we didn’t have any problems with our schools in Izmir. “


There is currently no such plan in Turkey. We only took a break in Izmir due to the earthquake. We are following the process with the Committee of the Ministry of Health and Science of the outbreak in Turkey. We also follow the measures taken in the world. We will take the necessary measures.
