WHO: We must prepare for the epidemic that could be more serious than Covid-19 in the future


The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the world could face an epidemic even larger than the outbreak of the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) in the future.

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus held the last press conference of 2020, via videoconference, at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ghebreyesus said it has been a year since the WHO learned of the cases of “pneumonia of unknown cause” in the city through a bulletin published in Wuhan this week last year.

Ghebreyesus, who championed the organization’s policies in the Covid-19 outbreak, said: “We have worked with thousands of great scientists around the world to create global solidarity. We learn something new every day. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes challenging, sometimes literally surprising, but all are helpful.

Thanking journalists who followed the WHO press conferences for a year, Ghebreyesus said: “None of us can end an epidemic on our own, but we will end this epidemic together.”


Answering questions at the press conference, WHO Emergency Program Director Mike Ryan stressed that today’s world is at an advanced stage in science and vaccines.

Stating that the Covid-19 outbreak is severe and spreading rapidly globally, Ryan said: “This epidemic is certainly not the largest. This virus is highly contagious, it kills people and deprives many people of their beloved”.

Emphasizing that mortality rates in the epidemic are low compared to other diseases that occur, considering the number of Covid-19 cases, Ryan said: “This is a warning alarm. We must prepare for something (epidemic) that may be even more serious in the future. “
