WHO: There will be no last epidemic – WORLD News


The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19) will not be the last epidemic or the last global health emergency situation, and asked ” correct political and financial investments “to prevent future epidemics.

Ghebreyesus spoke at the event where the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), a joint institution of the WHO and the World Bank, announced the Kovid-19 outbreak monitoring report. Emphasizing that the epidemic has affected health systems, economies, and societies in many countries around the world, Ghebreyesus also noted that the epidemic cost the lives and livelihoods of many people.


“Even countries with developed health systems and strong economies are overwhelmed, but most of the countries that have been successful are those that have learned from previous epidemics like SARS, MERS, H1N1, Ebola and others.” I speak.
“This will not be the last epidemic or the last global health emergency.” Ghebreyesus, who warned, called for “the right political and financial investments” to prevent future epidemics. Ghebreyesus said that in this way, future generations can protect themselves from the dangers of the epidemic.


Ghebreyesus, arguing that every day that humanity does not take action and wait is a harbinger of a new disease, climate change or natural disaster, said:

“We do not know what the next health emergency will be, but we know it will come. We must be prepared. This is not scaremongering, it is a call to action. We have the tools and the knowledge to face all these challenges. With these global threats only in solidarity and long-term business. We can fight the union. “

Stating that 2020 is a “warning sign” for all of humanity, Ghebreyesus said: “The Kovid-19 outbreak has created a terrible cost for humanity. These were hard-won lessons. We must learn from them and build a (world) best”. I speak.


On the other hand, in a written statement from the GPMB, it was recalled in the report announced by the Board last year that the world was warned that the world is not prepared for the real possibility of a deadly epidemic that has spread throughout the world. world, killing millions of people, disrupting economies and destabilizing national security.
The board called for urgent action to break the “panic” and “cycle of neglect” that have characterized the response to global health crises in the past.

In the new GPMB report, the global fight against the Kovid-19 outbreak was heavily criticized. The report alleges that the world has demonstrated a collective failure to prevent the pandemic, “The leaders of many countries have struggled to take early decision-making measures based on science, evidence and best practices. This lack of accountability of the leaders leads to a deep and deepening trust gap that hampers response efforts. opened. ” the expression was used.

“Transparency and accountability are essential in the fight against the Kovid-19 pandemic. Trust is the foundation of government-community relationships to achieve better health systems, but this trust dissolves when governments and leaders are not meeting their commitments, “said Elhadj As Sy, co-chair of the GPMB. found the evaluation.
