When will the unemployment benefit be maintained in May? 2020 unemployment benefit pension on what date and when …


The unemployment pension, which İŞKUR grants to citizens who do not work in any institution and have no income, begins to be awarded to the nearest İŞKUR unit or after an application made electronically within 30 days after the person leaves the job. To benefit from this payment, the main requirement is to leave the institution where you work outside of your own will and institution and have paid the unemployment insurance premium for at least 600 days. After the cabinet meeting held today, in the last-minute announcement by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, investigations into the matter gained momentum after making statements about the dates of this assignment. According to this; When will the unemployment pension be maintained in May 2020? Here are all the details on the subject …

When will the 2020 unemployment wage go to sleep?

After unemployment payments were withdrawn early, after the meeting, which took place today, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made statements on the matter, as citizens began to investigate.

So when will payments be made in May? Here are the details …
