When will the additional YKS 2020 options be taken? When are the ÖSYM and YKS additional preferred placement applications?


Candidates were placed in 283,521 of the 299,630 seats assigned to associate degree departments at state universities. 16,109 quota was empty

63,993 candidates were placed in 76,909 places for Associate Degree in Foundational Universities. 12,916 places were left empty in Foundation Universities.

When universities in TRNC and in other countries were added to the list, it was announced in the numerical information section announced by ÖSYM that a total of 57,056 seats were vacant this year.


To make an additional placement choice, candidates must have taken the 2020 Higher Education Institutions (YKS) Exam and their placement scores must be calculated. However, candidates entering a higher education program at a central location will not be able to apply for an additional location.

Candidates who have been placed in a higher education program with a special talent exam at YKS will also be eligible for an additional placement.

Candidates must meet the conditions of these programs in order to display their higher education programs among their preferences.
