When will face-to-face schools open? President Erdogan’s lightning statement!


President Erdogan made a last minute statement to the main agenda of millions of students and parents, “When will the schools open?” When will face-to-face education start? “Here are the last minute developments regarding face-to-face education.


Within the scope of measures against the coronavirus, gradual transitions to face-to-face education continue. In the 2020-2021 academic year, he began face-to-face education in grades 2, 3, 4, 8, and 12 in addition to preschool and 1st. Beginning Monday, November 2, the fifth and ninth grades began face-to-face education. Grades 5, 6, 7, 10, and 11 remain. It is unclear when these classes will open.


The experts made recommendations to educators and parents for distance education, which began in March due to the new type of coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19) and continues into the 2020-2021 academic year.

Istanbul Medipol University Distance Education Research and Application Center Director Prof. Dr. Gökhan Silahtaroğlu reminded the AA reporter that with the pandemic, the entire educational community was quickly looking for a virtual classroom.

Stating that virtual classrooms were used in education before the pandemic but were not as common, Silahtaroğlu said that virtual classrooms should be seen as a support for formal education rather than replacing formal education.

Silahtaroğlu pointed out that one of the biggest problems in formal education is the problem of place, “The problem of place sometimes becomes unsolvable with the number of students. We can solve this problem of space by using the unique advantages of distance education. We are in this epidemic environment. The spread of distance education has somehow crossed borders. Now, thanks to the widespread use of distance education, equal opportunities have been created. As a country, we are in a position to export more undergraduate or graduate education spoke.

Referring to the problems encountered in virtual classrooms, Silahtaroğlu said:

“Teaching the instructors about the platform or the distance learning system was a problem that we encountered at the beginning, telling them how to use it. But we easily overcome it with the support and motivation of everyone. One of the most difficult problems we have in this process is the evaluation and evaluation system.

Taking into account the distance learning methodology that we used during the epidemic in which we live, I think that we, as educators, must turn to assessment tools such as assignments and projects and in fact, we must improve a little more on this subject . In order for our lesson to be evaluated, we must remember once again that what we call homework / projects are actually tests that are taken at home. “


Silahtaroğlu made the following recommendations to teachers to make distance education lessons more efficient:

“At this stage, our educators should address the students directly with their own names, ask them questions, and draw them into the lesson. The biggest problem I see in my lessons is that students are afraid to ask questions about the lesson. We can teach interactive lessons. From what I’m experiencing right now, if I speak in the classroom and the student responds by writing and commenting, we can make lessons much more interactive. “

Silahtaroğlu noted that “classroom management” is necessary for instructors to overcome the problems they face in the virtual classroom, just like in normal education, and emphasized that discipline must be taught in the classroom.


Stating that the educator’s experience in the virtual classroom is essential for this to be achieved, Silahtaroğlu said:

“Educators should create a warm-up environment with questions such as who came to the classroom and what we had done last week, rather than starting directly with the question of where we were when starting the lesson in the virtual classroom and should try to motivate the students. students during this warm-up period. Apart from that, the use of wood in our formal classrooms is an important element. Similarly, it is important how we present the digital material to the student in virtual classrooms. For example, if we are using a file presentation file, we should prepare this presentation file for the student to see and understand, and divide it into the appropriate parts and put it in the system. It is also important to use the whiteboard in it. Instructors should practice on this topic beforehand. “


Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Communication Member Dr. İhsan Eken stated that all theory courses, except those requiring practice, can be taught by distance education.

Recalling that some universities, which were considered the best 500 universities in the world before the epidemic, continued their undergraduate and graduate education in this way, Eken said that it is normal to experience changes in education with the development of technology.

Noting that most of the theoretical education can be done remotely in the future, Eken noted that thanks to technological advancements, most of the lessons that require practice can be delivered through distance education.

Emphasizing that the student must move away from the family environment in distance education, Eken used the following expressions:

“Within certain rules, the fact that parents buy wood, desks and similar materials for their children, wearing more classic or school uniforms instead of the tracksuits and similar clothes that they use at home can also increase student motivation to a certain extent. point. It is necessary to create a classroom environment for the student, just as there are rules at school, similar rules can be applied in the home environment without much difficulty, for example, when middle or high school students study at the entrance to school high school or college, we need to spread a similar app to all classes and students. If some time is required and the student performs the self-examination and solves the test within a specified period, participation in class must be guaranteed in the same way as in school.


Drawing attention to the fact that distance education teachers definitely need education, Eken said: “Because the world and technology are changing rapidly. Educators who cannot keep up and students who receive education as a result also may have various knowledge gaps.In classical classroom management, the educator must be able to teach face-to-face with the student, especially with the help of computer technologies, smartphones, and various cameras, so educators must be equipped to be able to teach each other with the student “.

Eken made the following suggestions for instructors to overcome the problems they encounter in the virtual classroom environment:

“In this process, it is important that educators communicate with business experts, especially about applications and technology developments. For example, if you are working at a university, you should discuss this with the IT department if you have problems with remote access. This situation usually requires following new methods in exam evaluation. how to spread the evaluation over time and through different activities …

In this process, since they attend the lesson with their names, they may be asked to turn on their cameras and ask questions, such as the classroom environment, often giving their names. In this case, it is as if the atmosphere of a face-to-face conversation with the student could be achieved and their participation in the lesson could be achieved more actively. “
