The Ministry of National Education dedicated the first week of face-to-face education to the harmony of pre-school and first-grade students who will barely encounter school life.
Within the scope of Kovid-19 measures, the rules of personal hygiene, mask and social distance will be explained to students with non-contact games and fun activities.
The week after the integration week, which covers the dates from September 28 to October 2, and the following week, the Turkish lesson is 6 hours of lesson, 3 hours of lesson 2 days a week, 2 hours lesson, 1 math lesson 2 days a week, life studies 2 days a week. 2 hours of course will be taught, including 1 hour of course, through face-to-face training.
These course hours cannot be taught in person, and other elementary school first grade program courses will be implemented with EBA TV and live classroom applications from the EBA portal and distance education systems.
All information on distance education can be accessed from the addresses “distanceegitim.meb.gov.tr” and “eba.gov.tr”.