What grades will go to school tomorrow? …



In primary and secondary schools, Turkish, Life Studies, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Turkish Revolutionary History and Kemalism, Religious Culture, and Moral Knowledge, foreign language lessons will be taught through face-to-face education.

In the eighth grade of Imam Hatip High School, Turkish, mathematics, science, history of the Turkish revolution and Kemalism, religious culture and moral knowledge, foreign language, Koran and Arabic will be taught through face-to-face education.

In high school preparatory classes and in grade 12, the common, elective and vocational courses determined by the school administration will be taught in person and the remaining courses will be taught remotely. The duration of the course will be planned in 30 minutes and the school administrations will take measures to support the students through distance education.

Written consent will be obtained from the parent who does not want to send their child to school for face-to-face education and students who do not come to school will not be considered absent, but students who are not sent to school by their parents will continue their classes with distance education and will be responsible for the curriculum of their class.
