What data will WhatsApp share with the new privacy agreement?


WhatsApp has been sending a warning to its users recently to accept the new privacy agreement or remove the application from their smartphones. So what data will be shared with Facebook with this new contract?

What data will WhatsApp share with the new privacy agreement?

WhatsApp has been sending a warning to its users recently to accept the new privacy agreement or remove the application from their smartphones.

WhatsApp, a messaging application, warns that the application will be removed from the phones of those who do not accept the new contract and the data exchange rules until February 8.

This situation has led both Turkey and the whole world to participate in the application of WhatsApp users to delete campaigns.

Recently, interest has increased in the application called Signal, which is an alternative to WhatsApp and places more importance on privacy.

So, according to WhatsApp’s new privacy policy, what information will users share with Facebook, which owns WhatsApp?

BBC Turkish offers articles from tech sites on the subject. compiled.


Since Facebook acquired WhatsApp in 2014, it has been eagerly anticipating how the rules on data sharing and privacy will change.

Especially the fact that Facebook was not a trustworthy platform with scandals about data sharing and privacy raised this question mark.

According to Wired magazine, the warning WhatsApp has recently sent to users’ screens is an extension of the modified rules on what data to share with Facebook in 2016.

That is why these rules have been in effect since 2016, according to the magazine.

According to Wired, the new privacy agreement, which went into effect on Monday, is a change in the way communications maintained by users with mainly WhatsApp business accounts (WhatsApp Business) will be stored.

In the major update on privacy and data sharing rules in 2016, users had the option to disable the sharing of some data with Facebook; however, this option is obsolete with the new contract.

The data of more than 1 billion users who installed the application after 2016 has already been shared with Facebook.

Facebook argued in a statement to Wired that the new contract that went into effect this week does not mean a change to its current privacy policies.


Wired magazine emphasizes that the latest change does not affect end-to-end encryption application.

This means that the messages, photos, or other content you send can only be viewed on your own smartphone or the devices of the people you send.

WhatsApp and Facebook cannot display the content of the messages.

The data that WhatsApp uses and shares mainly refers to how you use the application.

The data shared by WhatsApp with Facebook includes your phone number, how long and how often you use WhatsApp, how you interact with other users, information about your device, your IP address, your operating system, browser data, battery status, App version, include mobile network, language and time zone.

Based on the permission you gave WhatsApp at the beginning, your payment details and your location are among the data that can be shared with Facebook.

Speaking to Wired, Johns Hopkins University cryptologist Matthew Green said: “WhatsApp is good at protecting your privacy regarding the content of your messages. Your privacy in everything else appears to be violated.”

Evan Greer, vice president of digital rights group Fight for the Future, told Wired: “I don’t trust any product that Facebook makes. The business model is based on surveillance, never forget that.”


Forbes magazine also notes that WhatsApp collects metadata (metadata).

Forbes reports that WhatsApp shares data with who sends messages, who they know, when and how often they talk.

“Metadata is data about your data. It can be as powerful as the data itself,” said Ian Thornton-Trump, director of information security at Cyjax, a virtual security company who spoke to Forbes.

In his article for Forbes, cybersecurity expert Zak Doffman emphasizes, “If I can pair it with multiple apps, thanks to its phone number or device ID, I can link its metadata to everything else I know.”

Doffman says that metadata is a gray area and the value of this data increases with every activity on messaging platforms.


TechRadar technology news site reminds you that WhatsApp also shares your status, stories, and profile picture, and that you may be exposed to ads based on these.

If you share information on your WhatsApp status that you want to buy a particular car model, Facebook will pass this data on to advertisers so that you can see ads on Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram accordingly.

It is emphasized that if you use the WhatsApp payment system to buy from a coffee brand or if you share a story in the application that you drink coffee, the possibility of seeing ads about your consumption habits will increase.

TechRadar also mentions that if you have a WhatsApp business account, the products you sell can be shared with the competition.

All these concerns about the security and privacy of WhatsApp data have made apps like Telegram and Signal more popular.

After the purchase of WhatsApp by Facebook, in 2017 and 2018, the founders of WhatsApp, Brian Acton and Jan Koum, left the company.

Acton publishes the Signal Foundation a few months later. The institution created the Open Source Signals Protocol.

Numerous applications such as WhatsApp and Signal are implementing end-to-end encryption technology using this protocol.

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