What changed in one night and all his ‘cases’ got sick?


WALL – The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) criticized Health Minister Fahrettin Koca’s statement, “Not all cases are sick. The number of patients we give per day.”

In the statement made on the TTB Twitter account, it was recalled that the “number of cases” section in the corona virus (Covid-19) table that the Ministry of Health announced daily was changed to “the number of patients” on July 29.


In the statement, “In medical science, Case and Patient mean the same thing. Don’t play with our health and our minds! You explained CASE 963 on July 28, 942 PATIENTS on July 29. Since ‘Case’ and ‘ Patient ‘are different things, what changed overnight’ ‘DOES YOUR ALL CASE GET SICK?’ Expressions were used.


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said at a press conference on September 30 that not everyone with a positive virus test is called “sick.”

Husband: “Not all cases are sick. Because there are those who do not show symptoms even though the test is positive, and most are these. The meaning of the word case and patient is not the same for all those who test positive. The number of daily patients we give “We gave it as the number of patients per day.”

Following the revelation of her husband England, on October 1, she took the list of countries for Turkey to be quarantined again.

British Transport Minister Grant Shapps “because it would remove Turkey from the list of the Turkish Ministry of Health as Covidien-19 describes the case in a different way than the definition of international organizations,” he said. (NEWS CENTER)

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