What are the application conditions for the VGM scholarship 2020, how much is the scholarship fee? How to apply for the VGM scholarship, …


• Since the student’s marital status affects the scores on the application evaluations, students who apply and whose marital status changes / will change until the last day of the application date should update the information on the application form according to with your new status within the application period. The application evaluations will be performed according to the student’s status on the last day of the application date.

• Once the application deadlines have been completed, our Regional Offices can request a document to evaluate your application. Therefore, the contact information (address, mobile phone, email) declared in the application must be updated and used. If a document is requested, the documents must be submitted to the Regional Directorates within the specified deadlines. Otherwise, your scholarship application will be canceled.

• If the screen where you can enter your identity information is not displayed on the application form, the security products / devices on which you access the Internet may be preventing the forms from opening. This problem can be experienced especially in applications made from public institutions. Meeting with the Information Technology of your institution or applying from outside the institution will solve the problem.

• The Scholarships of the General Directorate of Higher Education Foundations are announced after the announcement of the results of the scholarship application of the Credit Institution and Higher Education Hostels (KYK). If the student is entitled to receive a KYK scholarship, the application for a Higher Education Scholarship from the General Directorate of Foundations is canceled. Scholarship applications from students eligible for student loans are considered.
