‘We show that schools are safer than bazaars and streets’


In Gaziantep, the ‘My School is Clean Project’ certificate ceremony was held at the Akkent Congress Center. The Governor of Gaziantep, Davut Gül, the provincial director of National Education Yasin Tepe, the school principals and teachers attended the ceremony attended by the Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk, and the Minister of Industry and Technology, Mustafa Varank, by teleconference.

Stating that schools have the opportunity to prove that they are safer than resorts, streets, bazaars and markets, Ziya Selçuk said:

“I would like to point out that every job we do during the coronavirus depends on simulation and modeling and we do these jobs by doing analysis. It will hurt us if only one child, our teacher is hurt. That is why, step by step, we carry out the project ‘My school is clean’ with our teachers. They go around looking at the situation in each school and do whatever it takes, they work very hard, we discuss how we can do this job better. In this period when the epidemic was on the rise, we had the opportunity to demonstrate why schools are safer than tourist centers, streets, bazaars and markets, through the measures we have taken. I wish the students, teachers, service workers, canteen and all those who do not go through the school good luck. We will reach a point where we will meet our parents’ expectations of schools at a much higher level. It has been said that if schools are opened, parents will participate by 34 percent. But there is a participation of more than 80 percent. “


Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank stated that they prepared the ‘Infection Prevention and Control Guide’ as a ministry and that this guide attracted great interest from other sectors.

“After the coronavirus epidemic, we focused on developing effective solutions like the Ministry of Industry and Technology. Through our Turkish Standards Institute, we sign innovative works that directly impact daily life. We quickly identify needs according to changing conditions and develop solutions. In a first stage, we determine the measures to be taken for the production facilities and publish the Kovid-19 Hygiene, Prevention and Infection Control Guide for our industrial facilities. We are delivering the Certificate of Safe Production Kovid-19, this policy that we initiated for the industry aroused great interest in other sectors, we added new areas to the guide and we included the tourism and services sectors in our work. We prepared the Guide for the Improvement of Hygiene, Prevention and Infection Control Conditions. In the guide, we determine the rules on different topics, such as what controls will be carried out at the entrance to the school, the layout of the lines and the details of the arrangement in the classrooms, how to provide ventilation, when a suspicious situation is found, it is Determine the appropriate area and isolate the relevant people. Our goal was to maintain hygienic conditions in all places such as toilets, classrooms, playgrounds, laboratories, teachers’ rooms and dining rooms. The state schools that have been implemented applied to our Ministry of National Education and the private ones to TSE. Our teams inspected these schools on site, reviewed them, and certified them. We began certifying schools that successfully passed the implementation phase with the ‘My school is clean’ certificate. “

After the speeches, the principals of the schools that were inspected received certificates under the “My School is Clean Project”.
