Vice President Fuat Oktay: We prepared the 2021 budget as a citizen-oriented action budget.


Fuat Oktay budget statement

Vice President Fuat Oktay, “Budget 2021 through a process that brought the world the Kovid-19 outbreak chain, unable to diagnose and treat their patients, even in the roadside garbage in death leaving, let the citizens of the staff even protective health In addition to supplying the so-called forced developed countries in all conditions, stronger and prepared for each situation in Turkey is the budget of “. He said.

Oktay responded to questions and criticisms from parliamentarians during meetings of the TBMM Plan and Budget Commission on the Proposal for the General Budget Law of 2021 and the Proposal for the Final Law of Accounts of 2019 and the reports of the Court of Accounts.


Fuat Oktay responded to the words of HDP Kocaeli MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, criticizing the government, “(We started with the government lies about the budget talks) so by returning the words lawyer number I would like to start my speech. Again the ‘kidnapping’ he said. Kidnapping in the Republic of Turkey there is no such thing. Look at yourself in the mirror you want to see what the missing man is. What happened to miss the human that If you want to see, look at the mothers of Diyarbakir. That’s what you know best. If you want to see what abduction is, go to the mountains, look at kidnapped girls, look at boys, look at women, look at adults. “ I speak.

Oktay, recalling that he explained the purpose of the 2021 budget and what it means in the budget presentation speech, said he wanted to make an overall assessment by bringing up this topic once again on criticism and questions.


Recalling that the 2021 budget was prepared in a service-oriented manner by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the authorization of the Constitution, and that the AK Party governments were the 19th budget presented to Parliament, Fuat Oktay said: “Our The budget is both to increase investments and to increase investments in line with the objectives of the new economic programs. It is a functional budget that aims to reduce inflation and the current account deficit and also support our fight against the Kovid epidemic -19. It is a budget that puts at the center 19 years of experience, work, our nation, our citizens. ” used the expression.

Vice President Oktay, explaining that this budget is not in their budgets before 2002, but that it grows and increases every year since 2003, orphans and strange goura have the right, the hand of the state, the compassionate help that knocks on their doors where they are in trouble. There is aid given, in kind and in cash that reaches our needy citizens. . “found the evaluation.


Oktay, who stated that the budget includes the equivalent of school money, fees not paid by university students, civil servants, and the effort of workers, continued as follows:

“In this budget is the support of the State that took the worker by the hand during the epidemic. This budget includes the work and sweat of our soldiers, policemen, and guards who provide effective and effective defense and security, frightening internal and external enemies and adding strength to their power. I even tried to kill. We will be there until the end, until the end, we will divide this budget. There are provisions in our defense capacity strengthened in this budget. The area and there are traces of our national and national defense technology is strong in Turkey, indicator in the world. The train away from home our children with disabilities appreciate them, facing and have a budget, which is the manifestation of our departure from the state, the main approach to them at home. This budget grows, develops the mortar for Turkey, stone on stone lays, builds, drilling the mountain tunnel, with our highest blessed earth railway, skirting the road, our farmers cultivate, which brings the water to the ground, protecting themselves from the floods, bringing clean water to your cities is a budget that is with you immediately in the event of a disaster. Budget 2021, in a process that brought the world outbreak streak of Kovid-19, diagnosis of patients and treatment of defenseless even those who were left to die in the garbage on the roadsides, near the so-called developed countries have difficulties even to protect citizens from health personnel in all conditions and stronger and prepared for every situation in Turkey. s budget. It is the budget of abundance in agriculture, justice in working life, new records in trade and exports.

Fuat Oktay stated that the budget will further strengthen innovation, R&D and digital transformation, and that it is configured in a structure that will encompass the common dreams, goals and expectations of all citizens.

Noting that the budget preparation work began much earlier, as in previous years, Oktay recalled that the Central Government Budget Law Proposal 2021, together with its annexes, was presented to the Supreme Assembly on October 17 within the constitutional period.

Vice President Oktay explained that performance-based program budgeting will be implemented by 2021 and that the program budget is the most advanced budgeting system implemented by many countries.

Oktay stated that the United States, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Austria, Russia and many OECD countries have adopted the program budgeting approach and said that the program budget is a budgeting system that aims to increase transparency and accountability.

Stating that they prepared the budget consisting of 68 programs within the scope of the country’s needs to achieve these goals and presented them to Parliament, Fuat Oktay said: “The analytical budget classification will continue to be used within the scope of the program budget, and the earnings of this classification will continue to be preserved in the program budget. All financial statistics produced by the budget classification will be published. ” He spoke in the form.
