US S-400 sanctions to Turkey


In the statement made by the United States Ministry of the Treasury, it was shared that the Presidential Defense Industry Presidency (SSB), Defense Industry president İsmail Demir, and Presidential officials Mustafa Alper Deniz, Serhat Gençoğlu and Faruk Yiğit were added to the sanctions list.

“Loans and loans greater than $ 10 million were restricted”

The US State Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Security and Weapons Prevention said sanctions against the SSB, the presidency “prohibited the issuance of licenses and export authorizations for US products and technologies.”

Ford claimed that US financial institutions were prohibited from lending more than $ 10 million to SSB with a 12-month maturity, Export Import Bank (ExIm Bank) stopped supporting SSB, and international financial institutions would not be able to make loans.

Ford recently that the sanctions have to do with the sanctions discussed at the European Union Summit and noted that only in the purchase of Turkey S-400.

Ford responded to a question about how they view Turkey: “It is a complicated relationship. A relationship with a difficult relationship. Results. Turkey remains a NATO ally Turkey and we place great value on contributing to NATO.” said.

The purchase of Turkey S-400 is a long time to convince Ford, who claimed that they made diplomatic negotiations, sanctions, argued that they should apply the law.

In a statement made by the US Foreign Ministry, sanctions were included against SSB President İsmail Demir and other officials.

According to the statement, Demir, Deniz, Gençoğlu and Yiğit were banned from owning real estate in the US, officials were restricted from trading currency, transferring payments or credits between financial institutions and banks, and being banned from entering the US under sanctions.

What is the CAATSA law?

The law, signed by Trump in 2017, under pressure from Congress, is primarily aimed at securing Obama-era sanctions against Russia’s attempt to intervene in US elections, annex Crimea and support separatists in eastern Ukraine. .

The CAATSA law, which came into effect on August 2, 2017, provides for sanctions against Iran, Russia and North Korea, which the United States considers a “threat” to its national security.

According to article 231 of the law, sanctions can also be imposed on people who work with Russia in the fields of defense and intelligence.

These sanctions can also apply to natural and legal persons who knowingly conduct “significant transactions” for or with persons working on behalf of the Russian Federation.

In this context, Turkey must take over Russia’s S-400 systems, the category of “significant transactions” is assessed and sanctions are stipulated.

There are 12 items on the sanctions list

Article 235 of the CAATSA regulates the sanctions that the President of the United States will impose on “relevant persons and organizations” in 12 articles:

“1- Cessation of export and import banking support to individuals and institutions covered by sanctions

2- Failure to issue an export license for products and technology

3- No loans from US financial institutions

4- No loans from international financial institutions

5- Financial institutions cannot buy directly from the Federal Reserve

6- Do not carry out bids or contracts with sanctioned persons or institutions

7- Prohibition of transactions in foreign currency

8- Prohibition of payments or credit transfers between financial institutions and banks

9- Prohibition of persons or institutions subject to sanction from owning real estate in the United States.

10- Prohibition of the exchange of capital or debt of persons or institutions subject to sanctions by US individuals and institutions.

11- Prohibition of entry to the USA for persons protected by sanction

12- Impose sanctions on senior officials who have a similar function to the people and institutions covered by the sanction “.

According to the relevant article of the law, the President is obliged to select and implement at least 5 of these 12 articles.

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