UFO Directive of the Minister of Defense of Japan, Kono -News


According to the Kyodo agency, the statement sent to the SDF troops announced the directives that will be applied in the event that an unidentified flying object threatens the security of the country.

Minister Kono requested that if UFOs were found or entered the country’s airspace, the soldiers would take a photograph of the object and submit this data for analysis.

In the statement, which is requested to analyze the UFO images that will be obtained from the public, it was noted that the irregular aircraft powered by drone technology will also be included in this scope.

Kono has used the phrase ‘If I speak clearly, I don’t believe in UFOs’ in the past. According to Department of Defense data, there are no known cases of SDF soldiers encountering UFOs in previous records.


According to Kyodo, it is noteworthy that Kono made his statement after meeting with US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on the Pacific Ocean island of Guam in late August.

The US Department of Defense established a new unit called the “Unidentified Meteorological Events Task Force” (UAP) last month to investigate mysterious events and elements in the sky.

The unit, which will serve under the US Secretary of the Navy, will investigate the potential threat from unidentified weather events.
