Turkish doctor Uğur Şahin, who received the first coronavirus vaccine test permit, spoke to DHA


While efforts are underway to find coronavirus treatment by experts from around the world, news from Germany in recent weeks has been a new ray of hope. Turkish doctor, who received the first test permit of the vaccine, which will give him immunity to the coronavirus. Uğur Şahin made special statements to the Demirören News Agency (DHA).


Professor Dr. Uğur Şahin stated that the first clinical trials started on April 23, after Germany gave his permission, saying: “We started clinical trials on April 23. We are now working on different doses of vaccines. We give this vaccine to 5-10 people every day. We start vaccine experiments in the United States. These studies continue in two different cities in the United States. In the next 6-8 weeks, we will learn if the vaccines we use have side effects, their dosage and reactions in the immune system. We will check to see if the people we vaccinated have destroyed the virus. “


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Professor Dr. Şahin stated that the vaccine will be tested on 500 people in the first 8 weeks and in the next clinical trials, tens of thousands of people said: “We tested this vaccine on 500 people in the first 8 weeks. After testing these 500 people and finding our dose in the vaccine, thousands of people will try this vaccine. Typically, a vaccine is tested on tens of thousands of people before it is released. “You look at the side effects, you check the reactions of the vaccines and whether the people who have been vaccinated are disease-controlled or not,” he said. Claiming that the vaccine is likely to be released by the end of the year, Şahin continued as follows:

“These vaccine studies are a global problem. We can only solve this by working together. Understanding this, we began to work with two large companies. One is for conducting experiments in China, and the other is Pfizer. As you know, the Pfizer company carries out vaccination experiments worldwide and we want to finish these clinical experiments by working with Pfizer very quickly. By the end of the year, we want to administer the vaccine to enough people to release it. If the experiments are positive, I hope we can bring it to market by the end of the year. “


Speaking to DHA, Dr. Sahin, in the positive approval case and they were in contact, the talks with Turkey could start by explaining the clinical trials in Turkey in two months: “We have started negotiations with TUBITAK and TÜSEB in Turkey. In these interviews, “Did we do clinical trials in Turkey?” “When can we do it?” We spoke to them. This speech had not yet produced results, but this time we did not find clinical institutes, and we believe we can start to form a vaccine trial in Turkey. Our conversation is going well, we can start clinical trials in 2 months in Turkey, “he said.


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Professor Dr. Şahin stated that he spent most of a week working from his home office, contacted the company in China during the early hours of the day, and then had discussions with scientists in the United States. Şahin stated that he spent the remaining time with employees in his own clinic observing the planning and results. Claiming that 1,300 people work in their own companies, Şahin said, “1,300 people work in our company and 400 of these 1,300 people are working in vaccine research and vaccine production. It works up to 120 people in China. Between 500 and 700 people work at Pfizer. Thousands of people will work in clinical trials. That is why we believe that we can do these experiments quickly. “


Speaking about how to administer the vaccine to billions of people around the world, Şahin said: “Now we don’t know the dose of vaccines at this time. We are trying to deliver this vaccine to billions of people. The vaccine we make is a genetic vaccine. We use technological innovations. We can produce millions of doses of vaccines in a few weeks. On the other hand, we want to increase its production capacity by working together with Pfizer and also in Germany. We make a lot of expenses for this. $ 1.5 billion will be required for all work done for this vaccine. We have spent over $ 100 million so far. This is an expensive event. But ultimately, this is one of the most important drugs. “


Dr. Ahin said that if the world faces a coronavirus-like outbreak in the future, countries should work together globally. Dr. Şahin continued: “Covid-19 shows us that we need to be prepared for new outbreaks. Some states of the world have been wonderfully prepared. There were also preparations and plans in Turkey. If a new outbreak occurs, we must act faster. To do this, we need to prepare vaccine productions in advance. We need to start clinical studies faster. There are plans to work internationally and now we see that some states are making their own plans and drawing their own paths. However, we need to solve this globally. We have to implement a plan for this. All countries need to work together. You need to work together in both science and clinic. “


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Affirming that they have received the support of the European Union, the European Union and America regarding vaccination studies. Dr. Şahin said: “Of course, in our studies, we are meeting with the pharmaceutical authorities, which are the most important. There is German authority, Europe and America. Of course help comes from us. How we can bring these vaccine trials to the clinical level helped in this. They called us from politics, both from the United States and from Europe. They offered help. Aid offers were also received from the European Union. “They asked if we can help in terms of cost or in other ways.”


Sahin, Turkey’s question about how koronavirüsl fights “, the rates in Turkey of course I can see from a distance. Turkey’s fight against koronavirüsl compared to other countries very well. Patient numbers are low and they perform the control very well. In Turkey, CNN USA Last week, I saw how to do PCR tests, and I was very happy. Turkey, for giving this performance, people are patient and disciplined in a way that I am very happy because they react against this virus, “he replied. Dr. Sahin: “I really like watching Turkey’s performance from a distance. I see that people are patient and they act carefully, disciplined. The most important thing is that we have to be patient. This virus will not disappear in a few weeks, it will remain with We have to fight this virus for at least 1.5-2 years, until everyone gets vaccinated. We have to stay disciplined. We have to start operating the economy slowly. We have to go back to work, but we have to follow the rules. achieve this if we are patient. “


Professor Dr. Uğur Şahin was born on September 19, 1965 in Iskenderun. He arrived in Germany with his family at the age of 4 years. His family worked at the Ford factory in Cologne. Professor Ahin attracted attention with his interest in scientific research and experiments at a younger age. Uğur Şahin, who watched the show “Immortality is killer” on German cancer television, decided to study medicine by taking Paul Ehrlich as a model, who discovered the modern immune system in the 19th century and developed chemotherapy for cancer for the first time. time. He studied at the University of Cologne. At the suggestion of his teacher, he started working at the university in Homburg Saar. Cancer professor, who made a name for himself through research. Uğur Şahin developed a vaccine that separates the cancer cell from the healthy cell and destroys the cancer cell. He has been working on antibodies in cancer of the breast, large intestine, lung, pancreas and prostate that have been defended against diseased cells. Ahin, his wife, Dr. He was working with Özlem Türeci on a skin cancer vaccine called melanoma. Professor Şahin turned to this area after the spread of the coronavirus. Professor Şahin worked with Swiss scientist Rolf Zinkernagel, who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1996, and founded the BioNTech company in 2008. At BioNTech, around 80 scientists are researching cancer.
